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For me, one of the hallmarks of KOTOR was pazaak. I loved the RP idea of making my fortune as a gambler. I was really hoping for this in game. I have yet to encounter it through level 25 and have yet to read any buzz about it through forums or in general chat chatter. I'm wondering if there are any threads discussing this as a future side-game update?


I think this would be such an enriching bit of content into the game assuming it doesn't already exist at high levels. Ala KOTOR, it would be very awesome to encounter Pazaak in say The Dealer's Den cantina on Coruscant for Republic players around level 15. You meet a retiring old pro wizened by age and experience who is willing to teach you the game and give you one of his 'lucky decks' in return for challenging the local hot shot and knocking the kid off his high horse. After learning the basics, you strike up a few games with the local amateurs until you gain enough clout to challenge the young gun.


There could be a whole light side/dark side quest line and reward written where you have the choice of putting the hot shot cocky pro in his place and take his creds in the process of imparting some of the old man's wisdom on his former protege or perhaps you're just as cocky and full of it and join in league with the young blood and humiliate the 'old man' one last time and run him out of the cantina once and for all. Perhaps the quest reward would be a choice between one of three very handy cards that are never accessible again in any form or fashion (which would create player deck diversity through choice).


To keep the game going, we could be introduced to new Pazaak dens every ten levels or so...say for Republic, we see our next den on Nar Shadaa around level 25. Again, there is a quest line and a powerful card choice to enhance our decks and increase the size of our bank accounts. Say around level 35, we could encounter our first tier 'galactic pro' who encouraged us after his quest line to challenge other players within our own faction. By the time we hit level 45, we've proved our mettle against the card sharks within our own fleet and have (supposedly) built up our decks strong enough to challenge anyone in the galaxy...and are given the opportunity on Hutt Worlds or shady gaming dens with secure Holo-Matches against the opposing faction.


Of course, all along the way, we'll have opportunities to purchase a few cards everyone has access to to augment our basic decks, but it's only every 10 levels we are given the quest line opportunity to get a new unique card through reward choice that creates deck diversity amongst the player base.

Edited by Phoenix_Wraith
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