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New animations are pretty terrible...


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In my opinion, the animations for Mara/Sent are pretty terrible. None of them are very dynamic or exciting. Half of them are vague force balls from our hands or lightsabers.


The old animations are much more unique and exciting. Force Scream is one of my favorite animations in the game and to see it replaced by Devastating Blast's tame animation is disappointing to say the least. I hope we get the option to keep our old animation or switch between the two.

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I'm ok with the animations for Carnage/Combat and Fury/Concentration. Not Vigilant Thrust/Vengeful Slam levels of cool, but decent enough.


But for Annihilation/Watchman, Force Rend/Force Melt... do those even count as animations? Lol, talk about boring/generic/uninteresting/bland/dull/etc.

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Raging Burst: That looks pretty awesome! I like it.


Furious Slash: Not terrible, could use something else, something with more brutal look to it.


Force Gash: ***?!? that looks stupid...


Gore: Ripoff of Overload Saber...


Devestating Blast: Seriously?!? That looks more retarded than Force Gash! And that was bad already!


Devs, Seriously Remove Devestating Blast and give us a new Battering Assault that looks better.


and re-do the animation for Force Gash to summon like a force ghost or something to slash the target and make them bleed, that would look cooler.

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I haven't even paid attention to most new animations, I can only remember the one for devastating blast, which is very vague handwave with lightsabers and a vague energy wave. This does not give any kind of impression that force is somehow involved in it. (I never liked force scream either, since there is no actual "scream")

I don't like it. Its like waving your hands and saying 'go away'. I would have much rather had deadly throw back and force scream unchanged. I hate it when strong attacks have very weaksauce animations.


Oh and if I remember correctly, the new animation for gore is basically reused animation from ataru form activation, so its not a new animation at all? What else was there?


edit: and force rend is even more minimal handwave and barely any kind of graphical representation?


ps. To give an idea what I would rather see in place of devastating blast: The marauder could make a lifting motion with his hands akin to Scorpions 'hellfire' from Mortal kombat, the victim would be lifted off his feet and crushed by force. Not just throat but the entire body. That kind of animation would translate a feeling of power better than a vague handwave (which is lame like Qui-Gon trying to force persuade that bug guy in episode 1).


Also I feel that american devs have some kind of unnecessary compulsion to shoot things.


In SW Legacy there is a variant of my idea done by Saarai, Darth Wyyrlok's descendant, where the victim (darth stryfe) is lifted into the air with his limbs bent uncomfortably.

Edited by Karkais
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I laughed scornfully the first time my JK did the JK equivalent of Force Scream. I waved my saber around like a blindfolded 2 yr. old trying to hit a pinata at a birthday party - lots of enthusiasm, but you totally miss, creating naught but a light breeze. It would have been far better to have the character thrust their hand out and send a wave of force at the target, something we've seen them do in the movies, rather than windmill their saber around like a child trying to hit a T-Ball.


Force Scream was a primal roar - grounded, Sithy, enraged, delightful.


So yes, I am disappointed that the new ability that replaces my lovely Force Scream is.... two sabers waving about in the air.


I imagine it's too late but I am voicing my annoyance that a) the awesome ability I LIKE is getting turned into something I do not like b) that the replacement animation is silly looking.


Couldn't we get a double-handed thrust motion? You can do that sabers in hand. Or, I dunno, how about just use Force Scream's current and awesome animation, abandon the silly one, and use the animation time to give us a better anim for battering assault? Or Massacre? Something Acrobatic since it's supposed to be Ataru? Rupture was the only jumping one we had and that's going to Annihilation exclusively.

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Gore's animation is just deadly saber from anni. Now that it doesn't even hit the target, can you even call it gore anymore. The veng jugg smash is the best animation yet. Ball lightning and the new force Lightning for sin tanks is also beast.


Ball Lightning looks *********** stupidly retarded with the saber spin thing... replace the saber spin with Shock's animation and it will be better.


Depredating Volts looks ****** though, and i hope it's also affected by Recklessness for the Range upgrade ( i love using 30m Force lightning in PvP)

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Ball Lightning looks *********** stupidly retarded with the saber spin thing... replace the saber spin with Shock's animation and it will be better.


Depredating Volts looks ****** though, and i hope it's also affected by Recklessness for the Range upgrade ( i love using 30m Force lightning in PvP)


Sometimes I'm thinking they inverted Ball Lightning and Leeching Strike body move, although I agree that doing a Force move with the saber is meh on Assassins and Shadows, and that the Shock move was more than enough for Ball Lightning.


On Depredating Volts, and Cascading Debris too, I think this a case of "wanting to do too much".

Did they need to make channeled effect look like a repetition of moves ? Personally I'm not fond of it.

They could have made Depredating Volts being Force Lightning channeled one-handed and much more thick so that we barely see it through, I would have like it much more.

Edited by Altheran
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Will the Devs even look at this? I do wonder sometimes :eek::(


No, they won't. Due to negative feedback they detach themselves from players and sink deeper into their own private little world where they design all this stuff. Just like George. And detachment makes them create works of equal 'quality' as George.

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