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LvL 18, balmorra or nar shaddaa?


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u need to do both for your class story line.. personally i think i just did the class line on balmorra no side quests but i find myself lacking a few levels atm on alderaan with just being 28 on a 28+ planet. most ppl around me i see are 2 levels above me wich makes it probably a bit easier..


but balmorra goes normally before nar shaddaa!





so if your mostly doing just quests do the full balmorra run as well u might like the few extra levels u got later on!

Edited by Neimi
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  • 4 weeks later...
So i accidently went to nar shaddaa, before balmora on my bounty hunter and i want to get back to my ship but my brother was exploring the area now im lost i dont know how to get back to my ship :(

Find the Spaceport.



Balmorra is for around level 30, not for level 15.

Edited by Darpo-
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yea, for the imperial side, which the op was, you get two quests when leaving DROMUND KAAS, one to go to balmorra, one to go to nar shadaa. doesn't matter which planet you go to first, since the storylines don't go in any chronological order, but balmorra is the lower leveled of the planets.
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  • 1 month later...
I am a level 15 Sith Warrior Jaugernaut and I have tried to do my class missions on Nar Shaddaa and It is imposible... is it abnormal that I have my space ship at level 15? what should I do sense I can't complete my quests on Nar Shaddaa?
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oops, i accidentally went to Nar Shadaa first and started some quests is it possible for me to still go to balmorra


Yes, just get back on your ship and fly to Balmorra. We can freely fly to any of the planets on our map even if we can't quest on them until leveling up.

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