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Character's eye color changed during cut scene, not changing back


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I was doing the Trooper class story on Alderaan where

the Trooper goes to meet up with Markus Thul's wife and daughter

and, in that cut scene, I noticed my toon's eye color had changed from blue to yellow. I did NOT do anything to change it, and the color was fine in earlier cut scenes on the same planet shortly before the change happened.


This was roughly at 12-12:30pm EST on 21-November on the Jedi Covenant server, in case something was changed server side at the time it happened. Toon's name is Yalee.


Before (correct color):



After (bugged):



Again, I made NO changes to precipitate her eyes going from blue to yellow. I tried a relog, restart, reboot, and a game repair (in that order) to fix it, and the second screenshot is after the game repair.


I don't want to have to spend Cartel Coins to fix it...if I even can.


(ETA): And the answer is, nope, I can't fix it. Every single position on the eye color slider is the same yellow color.


Original slider position:



Four different ones:






Also, very strangely, it's only impacting /this/ Cathar. I logged in to another Cathar toon (same server, same account) I had and went to the Appearance Kiosk and changing her eye color seems to work fine.

Edited by AlixMV
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