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Cartel Market Clarion/Imperium and Spearpoint/Bloodmark


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This has to happen. I don't even care if the ship gets a new skin, I'll pay 1800 cartel coins so that I can have 1 loadout for deathmatch and one for domination. I think a lot of other people would pay for this too. It's an easy money maker and it would make a lot of GSF players happy.


Why 2 different loadouts?



I really enjoy playing Strike Fighters but the only viable option in deathmatch is a slippery Clarion with repairdrone/powerdive/directionals/evasion/proton/quads/wingman. However, the Clarion with repairdrone/powerdive/chargedplating/deflection/thermite/LLC/hydrospanner is probably the best build at taking out heavily entrenched bombers in domination. Since there is only one Clarion available, we are forced to choose one type of build. I've opted to make mine for deathmatch and then fit my Pike for domination with barrelroll/chargedplating/deflection/LLC/hydrospanner/EMP/concussions but it's not nearly as effective due to less healing ability (Clarion can heal 815 and Pike only 245). Also, I find that thermite is generally more effective than EMP. And you can clear turrets more easily with thermites than you can with concussions. Also let's not forget that the Clarion has more shields and the superior power dive.




Everyone knows that tensor field is essential in domination. The tensorfield/interdictiondrive/LLC build is great for domination but it is useless in deathmatch. If we had another available Spearpoint than we could use combatcommand/distortionfield/evasion/powerdive/LC/wingman and enjoy a 40% accuracy buff. You could pair up with another Spearpoint buddy and one guy uses In Your Sights instead of Wingman and this could effectively give you a 60% accuracy buff against a single target.




What does everyone think? Maybe if we get a lot of replies here the Dev's will take notice.

Edited by RickDagles
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They have not created any new models for this mini game just reused existing assets. I doubt they will start now. There is the delta wing thing used on fleets as a shuttle, but that's it. It could work for the T3 scout.


I can't think of anything for another strike that is even remotely the right size. Everything else is light corvette or larger.

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They have not created any new models for this mini game just reused existing assets. I doubt they will start now. There is the delta wing thing used on fleets as a shuttle, but that's it. It could work for the T3 scout.


I can't think of anything for another strike that is even remotely the right size. Everything else is light corvette or larger.


I had noticed that the cartel strikes were the same as the ship at the beginning of Scum and Villany, but I hadn't put together that the others were recycled assets. Where can they be found in game?


It is a shame that they won't let the community assist them with creating assets for the CM. I have seen some very good examples of how talented the community is in creating designs/3D models of thematically-consistent ships.

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I had noticed that the cartel strikes were the same as the ship at the beginning of Scum and Villany, but I hadn't put together that the others were recycled assets. Where can they be found in game?


It is a shame that they won't let the community assist them with creating assets for the CM. I have seen some very good examples of how talented the community is in creating designs/3D models of thematically-consistent ships.


They are all over, look at the ships in any dock area, the cartel bomber is used a fighters in several missions that you have to sabotage on Balmorra, the Cartel gunships can be seen in several flashpoint with docks. The imps use a variant of the scout as a shuttle craft on makeb.


Come to think of it, I know an existing model they could use for the T3 strike. It's the model of shuttle used to in the makeb republic story to get to the carrier. It would work, I doubt anyone would want to buy that ugly flying load lifter but it is an option

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The forums long ago decided what we wanted the next cartel reskin to be:


The BANANABOAT. Though there are also a few shuttles left in the game that haven't made their way to GSF, as well as the 6 hideous Infiltrator models that were datamined last year.


As for the ships, there was a thread a few months back about which asked people to rank which ships should have Cartel Market skins.


The T3 Strike, T3 Bomber, and T3 Gunship were all popular choices, as they all have multiple viable builds.


I'm not sure about wanting another T3 Scout for TDM though. You can already stack Accuracy using TT/Wingman on either of the other Scouts, and they get good secondary weapons like Pods and Cluster Missiles. The T3 Scout really needs better Secondary Weapons to be viable in TDM. Sabotage Probe or Interdiction Missile would be great. Or an Ion Missile actually worth using.

Edited by Nemarus
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