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GSF Server Training Sessions for Newer Fighters Suggestion


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I am creating this thread to present an idea that came across my head. I want to know how would you all feel about starting an open training session for inexperienced GSF players on each server.


Each server ace and one well experience fighter would team up with newer players and do GSF games, show them the ropes of a given ship and give them tips on being better fighters. I know Drakkolich does something similar already but I was thinking of a community wide training session.


If they're are enough experience people on each server (and faction) willing to try this, I think we could create a post on the forums as well as other sites like reddit where we can put times and dates and ace instructors for each session on each server. I would be willing to help out on the Ebom Hawk. Because the better players we get the greater the experience GSF can be.


Let me know what do you all think of this idea

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I am nowhere near an ace, but I would be happy to show people the ropes. I am not so far removed from being an utter newbie that I don't remember what a lot of the big hurdles were for me. You can find me on Shadowlands and on Bastion. On Shadowlands, my republic character is Trivers and my empire character is Carranog. On Bastion, I am only on the empire side and my character is Riste.
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This is something that I do with my guild from time to time whenever they have questions. It's so much easier to show than to explain over chat or voice. What has also worked for me is to get a recording of a match and allow the veteran players to critique the gameplay.
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For those of you who are interested, You can either message me or post in this thread with your character Names, Server, Faction and Date and Times (GMT) that work best for you. When enough people show interest I will create a post and other potential sites with Time and dates for each session.


EDIT: Just occur to me to also put which Voice Service (Mumble, TS, Vent ect.) you prefer to use

Edited by MisterBlackJack
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In all seriousness, those who would like a little help on The Bastion can message me and I'll help. I'm also still in Obsidian Squadron and if anyone would like to join I can throw out invites. It'd certainly be nice to set up some newer-pilot premades.
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You guys are awesome. ^^


Helpful tips for this kind of thing.


- Lots of people don't like to ask for help publicly so getting the word out in matches or your GSF channel is a great spot to attract players to whisper you in game. Putting your character name and server in your post helps players mail you as well.


- For players that want help being flexible and getting on voice goes a really long way. Trying to explain everything in this game by typing takes a long time.


- Videos help soooo much, this is one I've learned recently I've actually watched playing videos that I thought were really good pilots making mistakes I would have never thought to even mention. Sometimes it's as simple as power management or cooldown management and there is no way to know that without watching that person fly. If you really have no way of recording Skype actually lets you screen share for free, so you can get in a call with your teacher on skype and let him watch you instantly. It's a little laggy but is still way better then just trying to guess what people are having trouble with.


- There is no stupid question, be patient if your teaching and be willing to ask anything if you're learning. Little things like showing players how to turn on detailed tooltips make a big difference.


- When teaching don't be too pushy about certain builds or ships, practice is practice if the player is going to have more fun learning on a Quell then that Sting you absolutely love help him with the Quell instead of pushing the Sting on him.



Some of the are pretty obvious but still I thought it might help, I've been teaching star fighter for so long I kind of have a routine I got threw now. I have to say watching someone you taught get better and better and start tearing people apart is one really awesome feeling though.


Anyways have fun with it guys and keep up the good work. :)

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- Videos help soooo much, this is one I've learned recently I've actually watched playing videos that I thought were really good pilots making mistakes I would have never thought to even mention. Sometimes it's as simple as power management or cooldown management and there is no way to know that without watching that person fly. If you really have no way of recording Skype actually lets you screen share for free, so you can get in a call with your teacher on skype and let him watch you instantly. It's a little laggy but is still way better then just trying to guess what people are having trouble with.


Any tips for making videos? What software do you use? Would a 5 year old CPU suffice for recording at 1920x1200? Would I have to play at reduced resolution or detail level?

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