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Current state of the galaxy.


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Hello everyone!


I'm almost finished with all of the class stories and was wondering about the general state of the galaxy after all the class stories (with some negating the effects of others) end and the events on Makeb are added. I remember seeing an interview with what I think was a BioWare writer summing up the situation and chronology of all the events as well as discussing how the events in each story impact each other.

However, I'm having difficulty finding this interview not that I know the stories and could read it without spoilers. Does anyone happen to know which interview I'm talking about? Or is there another good source where the sate of the galaxy is summarized?

Thanks in advance and have a good week!


Best regards,


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Hello everyone!


I'm almost finished with all of the class stories and was wondering about the general state of the galaxy after all the class stories (with some negating the effects of others) end and the events on Makeb are added. I remember seeing an interview with what I think was a BioWare writer summing up the situation and chronology of all the events as well as discussing how the events in each story impact each other.

However, I'm having difficulty finding this interview not that I know the stories and could read it without spoilers. Does anyone happen to know which interview I'm talking about? Or is there another good source where the sate of the galaxy is summarized?

Thanks in advance and have a good week!


Best regards,


There was a Community Blog (done as an in-universe report for the Shroud) released after Oricon and before the start of Forged Alliances.


If you're only through the class stories, though, be aware it includes spoilers for Makeb and Oricon.

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The Empire went into the war with a huge advantage, but now they're pushed back. With the Empire's success on Makeb, they've fortified their position and gained a lot, but still don't have the upper hand. Ya.


I'm not sure that's nesscarly true. the Empire certinly seemed to THINK they had the advantage, but I suspect that the sides where evenly balanced. and thus the empire thinking they had the advantage and the win was "in the bag" squandered valueable resources on in fighting and foolishly high risk strageties.

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I'm not sure that's nesscarly true. the Empire certinly seemed to THINK they had the advantage, but I suspect that the sides where evenly balanced. and thus the empire thinking they had the advantage and the win was "in the bag" squandered valueable resources on in fighting and foolishly high risk strageties.


Spoilers for Chapter 3 of the class stories and beyond:


I think Japan vs the US in WWII is an apt comparison. When it started, Japan was heavily militarized and had an advantage in actual forces, but the US still had a much larger population and economy, they were just less ready for war. Once the US brought the full weight of its industrial capability to bear on the conflict, Japan never stood a chance.


Likewise, the Empire is a heavily militarized society and was more prepared for war when it broke out, but its total population and economy are smaller than the Republic's. The Empire had some success early in the war, but suffered massive setbacks later on in Chapter 3. Corellia turned into a massive victory for the Republic, with the destruction of a substantial portion of the Empire's total military, as well as the deaths of multiple Dark Council members. Combined with all the infighting among the Sith that is seen in the Imperial class stories, and the Republic decisively gains the upper hand. And then Malgus' attempts to create a new empire fragmented the Imperial military at the worst possible time. By the time he was defeated, the Empire was reeling and on the verge of defeat.


Fortunately for the Empire, the Republic got distracted by all the other threats that started popping up. Securing Makeb's Isotope-5 was a major victory for the Empire, but merely stabilized the situation and bought time. Then with the Dread Masters causing all sorts of problems, both sides were forced to turn their attention to them. This was a major break for the Empire, as it gave them some breathing room. Even after the defeat of the Dread Masters, the Republic still has the upper hand, and the Empire is struggling to survive. But the Republic has lost its momentum, and the Empire is starting to make up some of the ground it had lost. Now, just as the Republic was ready to turn its attention back towards finishing off the Empire, the Revanites start stirring up trouble. We'll see what happens to the relative balance of power after the events of SoR.

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