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100% percent reverse eng buff


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if your going to keep release new material and deleting old gear like Rakata or Columi, then you need gives us an option to buy a buff 15-60secs that lets us instantly learn a schematic. im not sure if Arkansian or Black Hole gear is going to be removed with 3.0, but it probably will just to make room on vendor for the new gear. do you have any idea how many times you have to farm fps and ops to even get 1 of each implant, let alone learn it at a mer 20%. Driving me mad farming ops and fps trying to get these implants before there are removed from game, since you cant buy them with comm from a vendor and try to learn the schematic. Even if you dont remove any old gear, people with money should be able to learn there favorite schematic instead of having there ego bashed 10 times on fails etc. im sure there probably a balance issue with people learning 34 gears, but weaker or older gear should not have to suffer as wel. Im sure you can find a balance to not flood the market with too many 34s at once but make older/weaker gear possible. you have no idea how much money you would make if this RE 100% buff was on the market.


In addition, plz let implants and relic be learn-able if someone else makes them, crystals are currently set this way, but locking people out of implants and relics, only for them to farm endless hours in fps and ops is really abusive. Giving reason for players to craft what they learned and sell them, so that others will buy them and hopefully learn them, would add to gamer market. Current craftiers dont craft older gear because it generally doesn't sell, it would have a higher chance to sell if people can learn from a crafted one, such as crystals are now. Ty

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I really disagree with this idea. It should never be "easy" to learn schematics at all - certainly not the higher-end ones.

I'd personally prefer to see the top-end ones have their chance for RE reduced, sure annoying to those that keep on RE'ing for a schematic, but keeps it rare.

What is the point of allowing a 100% RE buff. Every player will be able to craft every item.

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