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Any roleplaying guilds?


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The Quon doesn't get it. The Quon doesn't want to. And let's be real. The Quon doesn't have to and neither do you.


The Quon has had to endure a certain level of contact with Roleplayers over the levels. He see's it as a necessary evil. Along the way to god-hood, a little give and take is sometimes required to keep the wheels of xp greased. We've all had run-ins with that punk *** Druid who won't kill animals no matter how sweet the xp. Or that ****tard who won't kill his own race. Weak. At first The Quon tried to educate these dingleberries about the whackness inherent in their logic. "Dude, this Orc hasn't ever seen your lands, he don't know you ruined them and besides that, **** him". But eventually The Quon put his blinders on and went about the business of level lapping these self-handicapped freaks 10 times over. Cause that's how you can identify "most" of the roleplayers, they're level 35...for-***********-ever. They've got 8 character, all level 15 to 35. The Quon wants to know the point.


But now that he's the MC The Quon won't tolerate these ********s.


So when The Quon found himself in PoJ cell group last night with an MA who obviously juggled turds as a side job at the Renaissance Fair, he knew it was on. Everything was going just fine for the most part. Respects had been paid, rules were being observed and ****. We were chugging through the xp at a decent pace.


The tank comes back empty handed on a pull and I'm all like "***?". And the rest of the group's looking at The Quon just waiting to back his play. The tank says, "Nothing down there to pull. Just humanoids". And The Quon is all like, "You better pull that ****! The Quon needs RUN3 tonight so he can leave all the newbs behind and hit PoV." And the Shammy's all like "Newbs?", like he was offended or something. The Quon squashed that **** with a quickness though, "You heard me mothaphucka...do something." And he was all quiet after that. Respect.


So get this, the tank actually stops looking for mobs and comes back to the camp, stands in front of me and starts teaching like he's a professor or something. "I'm a Humanoid, we're all humanoids. It would be a slap in the face of our gods to kill others like us. There's plenty of other mobs here to chose from without offending our dieties."


After a minute to stop giggling, cause The Quon SO knows what the future holds, The Quon says, "You don't do certain things you don't want to do, then blame it on the will of your god and everything's cool? Nice deal. Good to know." And this guy seems all pleased and **** like he blew The Quon's mind or something.


So we continue on for a bit and all seems forgotten.


On the next pull, The Quon watches as this door-knobs health went down faster than a Wood Elf Honie looking for a Rez in The Quons pocket. ("It's down there baby...keep looking"). I enjoy this because I knows what's coming. "HEAL". The Quon, of course, does not. What I do though is call out "The Big Heal Bomb is Inc on Warrior. But I never cast that ****. Instead The Quon loads gate and once I'm sure the Warrior is gonna take a dirt nap I say "I think you're a ****-wit. I don't wanna heal you and Tunare says she's with me on it. Roleplayers should shampoo my crotch. Peace out".


And I'm gone.

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Looking for an imperial roleplaying guild. Would also like one that is active in flashpoints, operation's, etc. Shoot me a pm if you are in one or know of a good one. Thanks!



if you're looking for roleplaying guilds you'd proably have better luck on the RP servers. check out ebonhawk.

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