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What is a good dps rotation for Jedi Sentinel?


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At level fifteen, there is no need to worry about rotation. Read the tooltips, get a feel for your abilities, play around.


By "enemy players" I assume you mean mobs, i.e., NPCs.


Your priorities depend on which spec you're going for. Check the Sentinel / Marauder forums and Dulfy's guide to Derptinelling -- they're endgame-oriented, naturally, but particularly in Dulfy you'll also find detailed analysis of the handful of abilities you have already. Sentinels / Marauders are locked into playing DPS, but like Gunslingers / Snipers they have three different flavours of it -- Watchman focuses on short-duration damage over time effects and has excellent sustained damage, Combat is about dealing high damage during Precision Slash windows and using fillers otherwise and has great burst damage, and Focus is all about ridiculous buffs to Sweep, making it an AoE spec with fairly lacklustre single-target damage.


As for abilities you already have, your heaviest damagers at this point should be Sweep (short-range AOE),0 Blade Storm (mid-range burst), Master Strike (3s channel) and Cauterise (6s damage over time). You shouldn't be using Riposte in most specs (that's a Guardian skill, really) unless you know you have Focus to burn. Your general filler between those is Slash, and Strike and Zealous Strike to build Focus. When you reach 30 Centering, pop Zen for a bonus depening on your active lightsabre form.

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