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New to game and to marauders!


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Hello swotr community! I joined the game about 4 days ago and rolled a marauder... No other reason than the dual light sabres really appealed to me. I'm level 18 at the moment and loving the storyline, but I wanted to ask you more experienced folks a few questions if I may.

There seems to be a lot of different opinions as to what is the 'right' way to play the class. I'm no stranger to MMO's in general or to min-maxing and don't really wanna go there again, but overall is a marauder a 'decent' class? In terms of fun more so than raiding endgame content?

If there is one thing you know now that you wished you had known at lvl 18, what would that be?!

Lastly, anything else helpful or just downright cool you could tell me would be great!


Thanks in advance to anyone who takes the time to answer my ramblings!

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first off welcome to the game and the community, I have played this game off and on since the start I left when it went free 2 play and have only been back a couple months myself, but the thing about the classes in this game is its all about what YOU enjoy, it doesnt matter what other people tell you that you should play, the maurader is great fun overall, my only issue with the maurader is the fact I solo a lot and am having problems soloing for some reason when it comes to silvers and gold, but in groups and raids I really have no issue with the class.
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