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Server Opinions - JC


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I'm a returning player looking to put down my roots, permanently, on the server that is most fitting for me.


I'm going to be making threads like this in all the non-roleplay EST server forums, asking for opinions on the following:


Opinion on server population and activity:

Opinion on server attitude (lots/little of rage & bitterness):

Opinion on available guilds (currently have no reason to join a guild on the server I play on):

Opinion on PvP population balance (does one side irrefutably dominate the other, or is it somewhat balanced?):

Opinion on whiney carebear PvEr population:

Opinion on class/role overpopulation (got into a flashpoint the other day with literally 3 healers):


My last question might seem a little controversial, and I want everyone to understand that I'm not going to be throwing my own personal views or beliefs around or insulting those of others. I'm simply looking for the server community that most fits me. The current server I play on features, daily, heated arguments and dissentious discussion over controversial topics such as politics, religion, and morals. I'm looking for the server that has the least of these arguments, and would like to know whether the population seems to generally lean more right or left.


Thanks all for your help in this matter :) I'd like to get it resolved before the 12x boost wears off so that I can make the switch as easily as possible. Thanks again.

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I mainly play on pub side so I can only say this from a pub side perspective, but I would imagine imp side isn't too much different


Opinion on server population and activity: It's pretty high during prime-time (around 6pm-1AM EST). Usually multiple LFG announcements for ops at that time. you can still get into stuff earlier in the day though


Opinion on server attitude (lots/little of rage & bitterness): Depends. You get that occasional troll that likes to bring up controversial topics every now and then on fleet, but for the most part people are nice


Opinion on available guilds (currently have no reason to join a guild on the server I play on): If you are looking for casual guilds, you have plenty of options. If you are looking for hardcore endgame Progression guilds, it may be hard to get in one since they pretty much have their teams established or just stopped playing until the expansion comes out


Opinion on PvP population balance (does one side irrefutably dominate the other, or is it somewhat balanced?): Depends on who is queueing at the time, but in general, imps have more pvp-oriented guilds so you will usually run into more imp premades than you would pub premades. If it's just pug v pug games, I think it can go 50:50 between imps and pubs.


Opinion on whiney carebear PvEr population: not even sure what you mean by this.


Opinion on class/role overpopulation (got into a flashpoint the other day with literally 3 healers): You can usually never go wrong with being a good tank or healer. I guess my recommendation for you would be to lvl a healer, a rdps, a mdps, and tank class you like. That way you can fulfill just about any role that opens up. That is of course assuming you have the will to level more alts lol

Edited by UrbanSaint
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Server population and activity: I moved from a PvP server to this PvE server. I was pleasantly surprised by the number of people I saw playing in the early areas. On the PvP server the early areas were dead. Other than that though, I can't say how the population compares to othr servers.


Server attitude: I've run into relatively few "group-Nazis" on this server. Most of the time, people doing random PUGs seem to be nicely relaxed. (I haven't tried random OPs yet.)


Available guilds: I dunno - there seems to plenty of activity in the recruiting section. I'm sort of burned out on trying to join a (active) guild, so I haven't put any effort into it.


Population balance: I don't really know that either. I only just started an Imp character - usually I'm Rep. There seems to be lots of Imps when I'm over there.


Whiney carebear PvEr population: I'm not sure what this means either. So maybe it's low. :)


Class/role overpopulation: You must have been doing a tactical FP to get that group mix. I don't think tacticals make any effort to "balance" the group - they seem to just take the first 4 players available. I've done tacticals with practically every mix you can think of. I don't think the class/role population has anything to do with it.


The current server I play on features, daily, heated arguments and dissentious discussion over controversial topics such as politics, religion, and morals..

Well, I can't say that doesn't happen on JC, but I haven't found it too annoying.


This server may lack Rambeezy, but it does have Quaker. :)

Edited by JediQuaker
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Jedi Covenant is a very good server, in population and attitude. What you really should be looking for is a like minded guild community because in the end that is really all that matters. You want friendly and active players who enjoy the same content that you do.


Narrow your search down to 2 servers and then interview 2-3 guilds on each server. I wish you good luck in finding a good home before the new content arrives.


Synthetic from Hellbent on the Jedi Covenant

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