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Group of 4-5 Players looking for Imp Guild PvE/PvP


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In game name is Maroz, together with some friends we have currently resubbed in anticipation of the new expansion coming out in December, but we are currently looking for a guild to call home. We are very skilled, and in the group include, 2 or 3 dps a healer and a tank. We are looking for a guild with skilled players, in both PvP and PvE who don't mind players joining from say almost scratch, it has been around 14 months since we last Played, War Hero and Battlemaster where the current PvP sets, our schedules are flexible and we are looking like I said for a skilled guild who enjoys playing the game and has spots available in there raid groups, we fully understand our gear is not up to par yet, but our skill is and if the spots are limited that's cool as only 3 have really expressed interest in raiding. If anyone is interested let me know in game or on this post, I will be out of town for 7 days but will be checking the thread and would like to play with anyone interested when I get back so we can get an idea of how things are done in your guild.


Thank you

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Oblivion would love to have you and your friends. Whether your joy is in raids, dailies, flash points, pvp or Conquest, we tend to have our hands into everything. We have all the usual stuff, Guild Bank, team speak, Flagship for competing in conquest events.

Next time you are online, search Oblivion in the who channel, someone will be online, tell em Soul sent you.



Oh, we are laid back, causal and all the other normal blah, blah stuff.

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Hey dude, sounds like you and your friends sound identical to me and my guild mates. We only resubbed maybe 1.5 weeks ago, made a guild and have been joining in on PUG ops all week. Looking to make our own weekly ops group and get some progressive raiding on the go when the next expansion drops. Like you guys there's only 4 or 5 of us, could make a pretty solid team I'm guessing. I'm the most geared and I'm only in 168 gear, so there's really no catching up to do. Have been trying to get back into some pvp as well, maybe you guys can convince me to do it more. Drop me a message if you're interested!
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Hello players! I'd like to throw RancorBait (imp) into the mix. We are a medium sized guild and full of active players. We are currently setting up new raid teams and slots for 3.0 release. Thats the perfect time to start up again, as gear you have now wont matter. Even getting you into some current raids for fun is easy to do. We are still running weekly raids just to get some folks leveling gear. lol


We are are more than just raiders, we have many PVP'ers, GSF Pilots are currently #4 conquest guild on the server and continue to work to win more planet, and if an arm is twisted....might find some RP :o lol We are a fun bunch, and spend lots of time on mumble joking around and getting to know each other better for improving team cohesiveness.


Blah Blah Blah, just /who the guild and ask to chat to any officer and you will see, we are good crew.

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