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Well geared tank looking for (or maybe even recruit) night time Republic ops guild


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Guardian tank coming back to the game after a little over 6 months. Got in all HM gear a long time ago before NiM and had nothing more to work for, so my guild kind of fell apart with a lot of people leaving the game in addition to my shift being changed to nights.

I want to get back into raiding, am geared for NiM but don't mind doing HM more to help guild get to that point. Been raid tanking since launch and also was usually our raid leader so have plenty of experience. Normally on around 0230-0630 central US time. Have a DPS set that is pretty much full HM gear too but would prefer to stay as tank as my main role.


I do also have control of my old raiding guild so if enough interest from people who play at night and do not have a guild I wouldn't mind recruiting. Have plenty of experience leading and can teach all fights to anyone competent in their class.

Edited by Markviper
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Grievance - Family, Honor, Loyalty


Hi Markviper, we at Grievance are a mature, 18+, family-friendly, Founder guild/community and have people on daily. We focus only on a Republic presence on the Jedi Covenant server. Our Operations nights are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday but we do not have strict attendance requirements so we do not run with fixed raiding teams since we understand people do have lives outside of SWTOR :). We have currently cleared 8-man and 16-man Hardmode Operations but still run them to gear newer members and we are starting Nightmare. Also, we have a Guild Flagship and have been fully participating in Guild Conquests where we have been placing in the top 10 on our planet! :w_cool:


If you would like more information you can PM me or just visit our guild community web-site www.grievancegaming.org to find out more info, read our charter, register and apply. Good luck and have fun!

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What days are you on? We could probably do runs together I'm not fully geared in 180s yet, but we can do HM runs together. I'm a tank as well do you have a vent server?


I can really be on pretty much any day (Barring any specific events of course) in my listed times as long as I have something to do/a reason to get on.

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