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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do you create 1-53 green and blue mods to sell or for personal use....


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I generally craft several levels of gear for whatever character I'm currently working on.


So if I have a level 22 character, so I'll craft 23-41 gear, and will probably take a few days to get done, during which I'll run dailies for credits and send out companions for mats. I'll store the gear in either the levelling character's cargo or in one of my many storage characters.


When I'm getting close to 41, I'll stop and craft 42-53 gear, doing the dailies again.


Has worked fine for me for most of my 16 55s. (First four I did differently, and less efficiently.)


For 12x EXP I created legacy armor sets at predetermined intervals:



-Lv 10 augmented set in legacy armor shells

-Lv 19 augmented set in legacy armor shells

-Lv 27 augmented set in legacy armor shells

-Lv 35 augmented set in legacy armor shells

-Lv 41 augmented set in legacy armor shells


I created the above sets for cunning, strength and willpower, and two of each with aim. (I use Treek 99% of the time)


I also crafted extra misc armorings, mods, enhancements, barrels and hilts to upgrade my weapon and offhand.


All items are stored in legacy storage. When each character reaches an upgrade level, I simply swap out their armor set, swap out Treek's armor set, update my weapon/offhand, and I'm ready to continue in fully modded/augmented gear.


Most everything was crafted, although I did pull some parts from old gear from my previous Lv 55's.


Generally speaking, if I need 7 armorings for a set, I craft 7. All crit extras get sold on the GTN to recoup my production costs.

Edited by LadyVix
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I have a standard crafting routine in all MMOs:


My first character ... who is likely to be my long-term main because, let's face it, we all make "our" character first in a new MMO ... is always a gatherer. I give him as many gathering skills as he can acquire. The plan is to sell/trade the mats for gear as he levels while also feeding my crafting alts.


My second character (a/k/a first alt) learns whatever craft skill has the greatest utility for the game. I.e., whichever will allow him/her to make the most stuff for my mains and alts. In SWTOR, that is Cybertech (armor mods, mods, ears). In LOTRO, it was Weaponsmith (bows and blades).


I then make additional crafting alts in descending utility of the skills. I.e., Artificer was my second alt in SWTOR (hilts and enhancements). Back when I started, Synthweaver (to make Custom armor, along with belts and wrists, for my Jedi main) and Armormech (to make Custom stuff, and belts and wrists, for my Companion) were next. The influx of easy-to-get Adaptive Armor has relegated them to just making Augments. I had played SWTOR for a long time before leveling an Armstech, and even longer before cracking the seal on a Biochemist.


I have, essentially, followed this paradigm in every MMO I've played dating back to EQOA, and it seems to work well. I end up very self-sufficient. With 12x XP around, I tend to skip most side missions. But back when I was more of a completionist, my biggest problem leveling was figuring how to spend all the Planet Comms I got along the way. All my guys and gals hovered between 80-90 all the time because they never had to spend them.


As for reduced crafting times, I could take it or leave it. I find that, with just a smidge of forethought and planning, I hardly notice how long it takes to make stuff.

Edited by Thoronmir
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