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Sentinel or Marauder? - A Question of Taste


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It seems that this advanced class duo is the only one I haven't touched yet on either side, so with SoR coming up I thought I would try my hand at it. Bu the problem I have is I don't know which one to go with.


On the one hand, I am not that fond of the Jedi Knight's story except during Act 2, which is disappointingly short and generic as far as Hero's Quests go, and I really enjoy the look of high end Sith medium armor (and can't really afford similar looking adaptive armor without a lot of credit grinding). On the other hand, the general Imperial story is really starting to get tired after playing it through like eleven times, and even with 12x Xp right now I still have post-Corellia content to deal with, and I only have one Knight to my two Warriors. I guess I could romance Jaesa for a change, but I don't know whether that is worth playing through the Dark Side Warrior again.


So, for avid fans of dual sabers, especially for those who played both, which one do you enjoy playing more, aesthetically and narratively speaking? Which one would you suggest for me?

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Funnily enough, I right now have 2 warriors to 1 knight, so my next character already created as a name placeholder is a Knight. I do have a Mara and a Sent, so it’s a Guardian for me. I am waiting for Togruta to become available to run him.


Knight is my least favorite of the Pub classes, because it does not have enough RP for a female toon, with Kira being so prominent in the story and a romantic interest, but Scourge not being a romance for a F!Knight. Instead we get Doc who I don’t like at all, is a boring human with no handsome customizations even, and who is not connected to the story in any particular way. Which I think is patently unfair.


Warrior is my favorite of the Imp classes so far story-wise. It’s fun, and plays well DS/LS. Female’s shafted as well, but at least there is Pierce. But, overall, I find Empire too toxic to enjoy for long stretches. :)


I like both crews about the same, but the F!romantic option for Warrior is a complete unmitigated disaster start to finish, and it really drags it down. Quinn is an interesting character, but romancing him on a female toon is just so wrong and abusive… it’s absolutely the worst Bio’s romance ever. Why play a Sith if you are forced into a role of a battered, needy, victimised and desperate by picking that (Flirt) option? Eww.


With the male’s RI, I prefer Vette to Kira, simply because she is a Twi’lek. If I could change Kira’s species to PB or Togruta, I would like her more than Vette. Don’t like Jaesa as a RI or anything for that matter.


I find Mara’s animations flashier than the Sentinel’s .


I am for balance, so while neither is my favorite class, I am going with 1 male, 1 female toon and both AC on each of the classes. So, yeah, I'd go with another Knight. :)

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If you like being incredibly brutal to your enemies and putting all brute force into your attacks, go for a Marauder.


If you like fancy saber flourishes and quick and precise strikes while still packing a punch, go for the Sentinel.


Also, Warrior's have the best story if played Light, while taking Dark Jaesa (A Light leaning Sith with a crazy, twisted and dark wife, Hell yea!) for Romance purposes, and Light Jaesa is boring...

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