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Guild summit help


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Hi BC,

Many guilds came to our guild summit, and we hope to have many more next time. Thanks to Cavy for hosting and Camel for taking notes, he makes a great secretary. One of the things we are doing for BC is creating custom channels specifically for people who want to ask questions of experienced players. Please come and get help on whatever you need. Gearing, parsing, what voice programs to get, who to talk to about ops or pvp groups, and much more :D. We love the community on BC and want to keep up the fun. So go to your chatbox today and type the following:


Pub: /cjoin pubbasics

Imp: /cjoin impbasics


See you on there, and I promise that there will be better people than I to give you help :p

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Will Camel be posting the Summit Minutes/notes?


Will general items be added via forum comments?


Who will be next summit facilitator?


Can there be set times for different types of content? (pve - nim/hm/sm, pvp -regs/rateds, r..p..)


When is the next summit scheduled? host? who's invited?

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Will Camel be posting the Summit Minutes/notes?


Will general items be added via forum comments?


Who will be next summit facilitator?


Can there be set times for different types of content? (pve - nim/hm/sm, pvp -regs/rateds, r..p..)


When is the next summit scheduled? host? who's invited?


I believe that they will be posting new meeting info in the state of the server thread, but I will answer for you what I can.


Camel should be posting a breakdown of what was discussed (pretty sure he said that :p)


Yes general items should get posted in a forum thread like this or added to the state of the server thread, this was an idea that people wanted to try to get out immediately though.


Who facilitates next im not sure but if anyone wants to volunteer im sure they would be welcome, Gag and Camel did most of the moderation.


Yes, topics for next meetings discussion were floated including pvp. Also ideas for a calendar for guilds to show in one place what kind of events they are doing that week. (not sure if you meant set times in meeting to discuss or on server to do)


Meeting is in 2 weeks on sunday again at 6pm server. Everyone is invited but for the sake of less chaos GM's, Officers, Raid/PvP/RP/Etc. Organizers are prefered.


Good lord dont quote me I only put this thread up for someone who cant :p

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i will quote you and you will like it!


I noticed that 'taking turns' was a difficult concept to grasp for some participants.

Perhaps if those that want to introduce items/topics (i.e. GMs/representatives) can be called on in order by the facilitator. That way every guild/individual gets a chance to speak their part they have waited to share.


Feedback per topic seems like it could be done without much overstepping, but a mediator or secretary could definitely ask people to calm it down at that point im sure. (note taking can be challenging with 5 voices happening at once in your headset)


Being clear about the overall purpose of attending can reduce time consuming commentary being made as well as cut banter down. (especially over philosophical questions like, 'what is progression?')


Maximize what can be gained for all the interested representatives and more can be done, trust this.


Excellent response time. Thank you for helping out so much, this is an exciting process to see happen.

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