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Is there a specific cut-off time for early access preorder?


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I know I'm leaving it a little late however I'm just curious if there is a specific time for the early access preorder bonus to go away? I use a prepaid card for all my online transactions and need to go top it up but really going to struggle to make the time today, am I good for doing it tomorrow? Or does the "by 2nd November" refer to the deal going away at like 11:59pm tonight?


*edit* Nvm, a proper browse at the pre order section answered my question.

Edited by Senden
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tomorrow is the last day for the 12xp boost if u mean that. If you preorder today, you will have 12xp boost till 2nd of december... Those who preorder after the 2nd of november, they miss the xp bonus for extra toons. Edited by Oyranos
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