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TFB and SnV NiM runs


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<Blitskrieg> is looking for two exceptional Healers for timed runs on TFB and SnV NiM. Most of us are burnt out on running DF and DP.


all of the raiders have cleared TFB nim and several bosses in SnV NiM. and we are all BiS 180 if not better gear. not looking to teach anyone how to heal. we are looking for 2 healers that already know the fights and and are wanting to get timed run and mounts. you are not required to join the guild but it is highly encouraged.


we will be running Saturday nights 7pm server to about 10. if interested in anything respond to this thread or send an in game message to Kogas


if interested we are also recruiting DPS for our HM DF/DP groups.

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