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Please make all cartel market SH decorations individually available.


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Please break down SH decoration packs so individual items can be bought. I refuse to buy two packs just to get two sconces (the pack should have 2 each of these anyway) and GTN prices are ridiculous and just one is useless... why can't BW just put all of these items up for a fixed cartel coin amount; those who would rather spend credits for them can do so... kind of like it is now with the individually available items.
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Please break down SH decoration packs so individual items can be bought. I refuse to buy two packs just to get two sconces (the pack should have 2 each of these anyway) and GTN prices are ridiculous and just one is useless... why can't BW just put all of these items up for a fixed cartel coin amount; those who would rather spend credits for them can do so... kind of like it is now with the individually available items.


They probably will, in due time. Just be patient.

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It's the same reason hot dogs come in 10 packs and buns come in 8 packs. To make you spend more to get that even amount you want. I highly doubt they're going to break down the packs into individual cartel items. Some items maybe but definitely not anywhere near the majority of them.
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Bioware please break these essential packs into individual items.. As of right now I have 4 huttese sconces (1 bought CC pack and 3 from GTN) if made available individually I would most certainly max 50/50 even at 50 or 80 CC each (2500cc or 4000cc total). I'm sure there are items in these packs that many people would purchase large amounts of, I refuse to pay 700cc for another underworld essentials since there is only one of each peice ..I understand it's cheaper than the luxury and cantina packs but 1 light is a bit odd for 700cc.
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I was able to get some of these things cheaply off the GTN before the 7-8x inflation price. I would love to be able to pick up individual pieces as well. Some pieces i'd only pump for the 100 presto and never use, and others i'd love 4-8 of. I think they'd make out better themselves by opening up. If you have all items separate, and then the entire set with a tiny discount, that'd be great.
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