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Bug in "Doomsday" class quest (Jedi Knight final)


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I'd like to report a game-breaking bug in the Jedi Knight class quest "Doomsday" on Dromund Kaas. When you are on the quest step to rescue Sergeant Rusk, the way to the Emperor is closed off by a red-shielded door. However, when you die in the area where you have to rescue Sergeant Rusk, the medcenter droid is actually behind the red-shielded door, so when you return to medcenter, you can now reach the Emperor's room too early, and it is impossible to exit the staircase and go back to the main hall with Sergeant Rusk, because the red-shielded door is in the way. Safe for using fleet pass, travelling to stronghold or logging it, it is impossible to continue the class quest.

Please move the meddroid to a location outside of the staircase to ensure that players can correctly complete this class mission.


Some addtional information to help with repro:

  • I was helping another player out, it was his class quest, not mine
  • This player had a disconnect while I died and returned to medcenter.
  • This player also respawned inside the staircase when dieing and returning to medcenter before talking to Sergeant Rusk.

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