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Aldoran mission


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Hi all


in what level is Aldoral mission be comfortable to take.


I am currently level 24 stock on Demons blood unable to kill the monster.


I went to aldoran and found it every difficult the mob where too over powered for me to handle.


By the why where do I pick up Jesea? Tatooine?



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i think you are talking about Alderaan. The main mission (as far as i remember) is level 28 and i would suggest to always be 1 or 2 level above this. How come you are this low level but already having the alderaan story quest, did you skip all side quests on the previous planets?


I often find myself 4 or 5 levels above the last story quest on a planet and i "have to" skip all sidequests for not being too much overleveled.

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Hi all


in what level is Aldoral mission be comfortable to take.


I am currently level 24 stock on Demons blood unable to kill the monster.


I went to aldoran and found it every difficult the mob where too over powered for me to handle.


By the why where do I pick up Jesea? Tatooine?




if you are 24, Alderaan 1 st quest must be red in your book^^ and you get Jaesa in ..... Alderaan, but, you must be on Tattoine which is 24 + with Malavai Quin (healer comp) the one you get on Naar shada :)


i always start a new planet 2 lvl under, BUT you AND your comp must be really well geared, or go for it when you are almost 27. Alderaan is the 1st hard planet in the lvling curve, everything is really easy until there

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