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Prog Team Recruiting for Healer


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Derelict Disciples is currently looking to recruit healers for our prog raiding team. We currently have a prospective Merc, so want either an Op or Sorc as the second healer. We've long left HM SnV and TFB in our dust, and are close to completing Brontes and Dread Council in HM by pugging healers. We want to get these cleared while they're still a challenge, before 3.0 drops.


Our guild has an active community and good humour, and plays a lot of PvP and PvE. We're looking to work on progressing in the new 3.0 Raids asap, and have a Pub Side sister guild for you to join as well, if you wish! You don't have to guild any other toons except the one you raid with us with, and even then we can be flexible, so long as you're a community member!


If you're interested, reply to this thread, or email Reavir in game.

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  • 4 weeks later...
currently gearing an Operative healer, he hit 55 a week ago via this 12xp boost and hes geared reather well. mostly 168. obviously it wouldnt cut HM DF or DP doubt it do HM snv or tfb but the spamming of getting comms will fix that. if interested contact my main Orioru in game hes my main merc.
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