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Help with a weird character concept?


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Hey everyone. Last night I was talking in guild chat when I mentioned that my character reminded me a bit of Count Dracula because he is very formal and polite until he decides to kill you. Someone asked if he impaled people on spikes as a reference to the "real" Count Dracula, Vlad Tepes. This got me thinking of creating a Republic character based on him with the Sith Empire acting as the Tuks. This character would be the leader of a backwater planet devoted to protecting his people from the invading Sith Empire.


I was curious about a couple of things; first which class do you all think would work best? I'm down to either a dark side Jedi Knight or a dark side Trooper. Secondly, any suggestions for what planet he could be from? Thanks in advance.

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No Republic class would fit the bill......have you ever done any research on Tepes??




now Imperial is another thing....perhaps a warrior that uses a vibrosword or the gam axes or somesuch.


but republic? absolutely nothing..that doesn't even make sense...

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