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Update 3.0 Thoughts on the Story


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This is just an idea I came up with, and I am not sure if has already been posted previously, but there has been a lot of talk about bringing the Emperor and Revan back into the game in the past. Well, now they have introduced Revan as the new villian, but why would he go crazy after joining with the Republic again?

My thoughts on this are as follows: The Emperor possessed Revans body while he was weak after the fight from the Foundry and teleported him somewhere safe, but when the Emperor gets killed by the Jedi Knight, the Emperor's full consciousness gets stuck inside with Revan, leading to both the Republic and Empire being targeted due the hatred both men feel towards each faction. With there souls linked/merged they begin to take advantage of a once harmless cult of followers to to their dirty work for them.

Just my thoughts though.

Edited by Nieme
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This is just an idea I came up with, and I am not sure if has already been posted previously, but there has been a lot of talk about bringing the Emperor and Revan back into the game in the past. Well, now they have introduced Revan as the new villian, but why would he go crazy after joining with the Republic again?

My thoughts on this are because the Emperor possessed Revans body while he was weak after the fight from the Foundry and teleported him somewhere safe, but when the Emperor gets killed by the JK the Emperors full consciousness gets stuck inside with Revan, leading to both the Republic and Empire being targeted do to both hates from both men.

Just my thoughts though.


Fairly sure you're the first to think of this. ;)

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