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Character camera control


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I feel as though the camera is too focused to the back of the head of my character and because of this your field of view is always at an angle that doesn't really show off the breath and beauty of this game. I would love to see an adjusted camera angle or slider that off sets the angle of the camera or tilt. I have no real preference but think of the camera angle from galaxies or skyrim where if you didn't have your weapon out it would slide the camera to the right. It got you character out of the way but gives a nice focus on the terrain. In a perfect world I'd love to have two controls, one the tilt of the camera where it can still be center focused on the character but the character is not taking so much screen space and your angled off the top of the characters head and not focused on the back directly. The second would be the left justify or right justify the camera also, that's not as important but would still be nice.

To the players who don't see what I'm talking play another third person game and see where the center of the screen is focused.


I think this would really benefit the games atmosphere and I wouldn't say remove the camera angle now, just add an option.


Also I'm huge into immersion and I find the "Golden Road" in the minimap to be so accurate and linear that it pulls away from looking at the gorgeous game. You can travel a whole planet by just looking at the minimap and not looking where your going. That kills it for me and I turn off my minimap or make it super tiny because I still need to know what direction I'm going.

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