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sad guild


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if you are looking for a guild there are a lot of them that are good sith praxium is not one of them they have their own click if you will, newer people will find it nearly impossible to run sm ops(they only focus on conquesting) to get gear they need and even then is impossible to join their "prog team". officers are hardly ever on and the communication is seriously lacking.People who do manage to work their butt off are brushed aside when older members decide to come back and get their old positions back despite the fact that "you" worked your butt off, my opinion don't join just full of people who say one thing but do another, I had high hopes from what I read on forums but this was not to be true...... Edited by sithfello
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if you are looking for a guild there are a lot of them that are good sith praxium is not one of them they have their own click if you will, newer people will find it nearly impossible to run sm ops(they only focus on conquesting) to get gear they need and even then is impossible to join their "prog team". officers are hardly ever on and the communication is seriously lacking.People who do manage to work their butt off are brushed aside when older members decide to come back and get their old positions back despite the fact that "you" worked your butt off, my opinion don't join just full of people who say one thing but do another, I had high hopes from what I read on forums but this was not to be true......


I'll tell you that one way NOT to find a good guild is to defame the guild you were in on the server forums.

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I'm sorry to hear you had a bad experience with Sith Praxium. Do you really think the forums is the place to be bashing a guild? The Planetary Conquest yes we are very completive in the event. Most of are members want to win each week so that's why we compete weekly. As with SM ops we have the daily group finder ops set up each night for any member to run. Any member can set up this op run it doesn't have to be an officer to run the op. With are two progression HM Op teams both are full at the moment. We do have members set up as back ups. We are in the process of setting up a third HM Op team.


With older members coming back into game they have to earn their spot back on the progression teams. So I'm not sure what you are talking about there. You are entitled to your opinion which I respect but again coming onto the forums to put down a guild that maybe you didn't fit in with isn't cool. If you want to talk to me in game you can reach me anytime after 5 pt. You know who I am so just whisper and I will be happy to talk to you. If I don't hear from you good luck to you.

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