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Need tips on getting my DPS above 3.6


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I am a Marauder and am currently im hitting around 3.57/3.55 - I have the Full Dread Forged set bonus, no high endurance enhancements, implants or Earpieces so my gear is Best in Slot but im still not hitting over 3.55 which is annoying (im also using Berserk like crazy, adrenals, bloodthirst and Stims)


I am also Annihilation Spec and have been playing that for quite sometime.


I just want it higher so that when I do DF NiM im hitting my best, any tips would be much appreciated

Edited by DarkVindican
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Some info about your parse would be helpful, like APMs, and what your basic rotation is.


Some basic ideas to always remember

1) Force Charge + Deadly Saber on CD (subjective to NiM fight)

2) Annihilate on CD

3) You always want to float around 7-8 focus when Annihilate/DS is on CD.

4) Don't cut dots.

5) Try to Ravage on CD, but don't delay Annihilate or DS for it.


Also check out Emperor-Norton's guide in the Sentinel forums.

Edited by Alucardess
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