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LFG for HK Loyalty Chip (Foundry HM)


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I'm a DPS Sith Assassin, which means my chances of finding a group finder group for specific content seem to be zero these days.


I've located every other HK part, and all I need is the last one from the Foundry HM, but after days and days of sitting in the group finder, I'm having no luck.


Would anyone be willing to help me complete this HMFP? I'm not looking to hire anyone, simply looking for other players who either need this as well or are willing to help out. Thanks! In-game name is "Melea".

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Which faction? If Imp, I'd be more than happy to run you through Foundry HM, and you and I could probably do it with our companions.


Feel free to reply here about which faction, and I'll look you up in game.


EDIT - I guess reading comprehension... I'll add you to friends over on imp side, and message you. Cheers!

Edited by nyghtrunner
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I have another DPS available, so I need a tank and a healer for a four man. I'll send you guys messages. I really appreciate the assistance! Please let me know if I can ever return the favor.


I'll be on this evening for most the evening. Please get in touch with me if you are available. IGN (Imp), once again, is Melea.

Edited by QuintusAntonius
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I have another DPS available, so I need a tank and a healer for a four man. I'll send you guys messages. I really appreciate the assistance! Please let me know if I can ever return the favor.


I'll be on this evening for most the evening. Please get in touch with me if you are available. IGN (Imp), once again, is Melea.

Hey, I added you to friends with my main, Graendahl, but didn't see you on last night when I was on. Do you still need this? I'd be happy to run you through it. And we really wouldn't need a full group for it. My tank companion is plenty geared to tank anything in there (or I could bring my healer comp), and Graendahl's my NiM raiding toon, so I know her quite well, and her gear is pretty solid.


Shoot me a message in game, or reply here if you still need to go get the part.



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We did it this morning, sh'aa (the other poster here) helped as healer and we got a tank from the group finder.


Thanks for your offer though!

Glad you got it at least! And sorry I missed you last night. Hope you enjoy your HK, though! He still talks about organic meatbags! :D

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