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Question about what to do after Makeb


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I've recently started playing again after taking about an 8 month hiatus. From what Ive read it looks like there are quite a bit of things to do after Makeb. I'm just curious what the benefits are from doing things like GSI dailies, BBA stuff, Gree content. From what I understand all that stuff is mostly just for reputation vendors for fancy looking gear. Is there a proper order I should be doing flashpoints/ ops in?



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If you need to get some purple 156 rating gear, your first stop should be to pick up the Oricon story breadcrumb mission on the fleet. The elites you will face during the story chain are quite tough at low gear levels, so you might need to ask for someone to help you. Luckily, a lot of people have come back and are in similar situations, so it might be easy to find a group to do the Oricon chain with.


As for the Dread Masters story, I believe the order for operations is Explosive Conflict -> Terror From Beyond -> Scum and Villainy -> Dread Fortress -> Dread Palace. After finishing up the Oricon story chain, it will send you directly to DF, so you might want to backtrack and do those others first, if you have not.


The Forged Alliances chain will guide you to do each of the tactical flashpoints in faction-specific story order.


As far as I'm aware, CZ-198 & Kuat Drive Yards are not really part of a major plot, though each has their own little story. I could be wrong, though. Lore experts?


Welcome back and have fun! :jawa_smile:

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Thanks for the info. Should I be farming flashpoints to get geared up for Oricon? I haven't had a look at the vendors on the fleet yet to see what they offer and what commendations they need.



I forgot about the dailies on Makeb. I suppose that would get me what I need for Oricon. I'll give that a try. Thanks again.

Edited by Craftastic
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If you need to get some purple 156 rating gear, your first stop should be to pick up the Oricon story breadcrumb mission on the fleet. The elites you will face during the story chain are quite tough at low gear levels, so you might need to ask for someone to help you. Luckily, a lot of people have come back and are in similar situations, so it might be easy to find a group to do the Oricon chain with.


As for the Dread Masters story, I believe the order for operations is Explosive Conflict -> Terror From Beyond -> Scum and Villainy -> Dread Fortress -> Dread Palace. After finishing up the Oricon story chain, it will send you directly to DF, so you might want to backtrack and do those others first, if you have not.


The Forged Alliances chain will guide you to do each of the tactical flashpoints in faction-specific story order.


As far as I'm aware, CZ-198 & Kuat Drive Yards are not really part of a major plot, though each has their own little story. I could be wrong, though. Lore experts?


Welcome back and have fun! :jawa_smile:

You're pretty much spot-on with most of this Lore stuff. Just take note that the full Operations order (The Dread Master storyline) is Eternity Vault-Karagga's Palace-Explosive Conflict-Terror From Beyond-Scum and Villainy-Dread Fortress-Dread Palace.

Section X dailies+HK-51 and the Seeker Droid/Macrobinoculars storylines are between TFB and S&V. The Seeker is directly related to the Dread Masters.


CZ-198 is a "filler" storyline between S&V and Oricon. It'll get you some nice gear too, if you do the Czerka flashpoints on Hard Mode.


Lastly, Kuat Driveyards (and Galactic Starfighter for that matter) takes place after Oricon and the Dread Masters.

This doesn't give anything too useful for max levels, but I just thought I'd throw it in.


Then the last level 55 story content is the Forged Alliances mission chain. This is a series of four flashpoints (Korriban/Tython, Manaan, and Rakata Prime) that tell a new engaging story with some interesting rewards, and sets the scene for Shadow of Revan coming this December.


If you want to be prepared for the expansion, complete everything above. If that's not feasible, at least complete the Forged Alliances story. What server are you on? I have 55's on both factions of The Ebon Hawk that can give you a helping hand.

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Here is the "perfect" story arc, if you want to follow it. Make sure you always pick up the seed/breadcrumb mission on Fleet for every Flashpoint and Operation to ensure you see all the introductory and concluding cutscenes.


  • All the "old school" (i.e. non-tactical) Flashpoint storyline content wraps up with False Emperor as you're leaving Ilum, so you should be through all of those.
  • You should also have completed all the Level 50 Operations - Eternity Vault, Karagga's Palace, Explosive Conflict
  • Operation: Terror From Beyond
  • Planet: Makeb
  • Operation: Toborro's Courtyard (one boss)
  • Operation: Scum & Villainy
  • Other: Seeker Droid missions, Macrobinocular missions
  • Planet: Oricon
  • Operation: The Dread Fortress
  • Operation: The Dread Palace
  • Flashpoint: Assault on Tython OR Korriban Incursion, then the other one (your seed-mission will inform you)
  • Flashpoint: Depths of Manaan
  • Flashpoint: Legacy of the Rakata
  • Expansion: 3.0 Shadow of Revan!

Edited by Levram
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In your above message, you listed Terror From Beyond before Makeb. The problem with that is, Terror From Beyond is level 55. Even thoug TFB came out first at 50, it's really quite interchangeable with Scum and Villainy. Both feature two different Dread Masters.



And you forgot the Shroud and the Macrobinoculars. He's supposed to have a role in 3.0.

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In your above message, you listed Terror From Beyond before Makeb. The problem with that is, Terror From Beyond is level 55. Even thoug TFB came out first at 50, it's really quite interchangeable with Scum and Villainy. Both feature two different Dread Masters.



And you forgot the Shroud and the Macrobinoculars. He's supposed to have a role in 3.0.


Calphayus is nowhere to be seen during Terror From Beyond. You can only hear his voice.


Also, if you finish TFB BEFORE doing Makeb, the game acknowledges it; if you do not, you loose a reference to the Dread Masters' insurrection.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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This is all excellent info. Just curious what you guys mean by "Seed/Breadcrumb"? And is it safe to say that the only point of reputation missions is just for cosmetic gear? ie Section X, Bounty Missions, GSI, Gree etc.


Oh. The "Seed" or "Breadcrumb" is just the pre-mission conversations, I guess. The "Seed" for Forged Alliances is an astromech droid on the Imperial and Republic fleets.


It's not exactly the best nickname IMO.


Edit: And yes, the Reputation stuff is largely cosmetic. THORN and the Gree give access to a new Ops boss with their Reps, but otherwise, the only rewards are cosmetic stuff and credits.

Edited by Anysao
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On a slightly different point OP, for gearing up let the weekly quests guide you. initially (just hitting 156 gear) you may want to stick with weeklys for tactical and HM lvl 55 FP's. do the weekly quest series for Makeb, CZ, and Oricon, they'll net you solid comms and cash, and gear to fill out your set (or to vamp up your companion).


that can easily get you to lvl 156 gear in a weekend. after that Id look at doing the lower tier OP's (TFB, lvl 50 OP's, etc), especially if TFB is the weekly Op in LFG...there are often many groups running the weekly OP, and it nets you a ton of ultimate comms.


once your gear is hitting 162 range its easy to start into the tougher OP's (SnV, Dread Fortress). Please keep in mind that my recommendations are from an experienced perspective running PuG Operations. if you have a guild that you play with, then it's allot easier. Many Pug groups want slightly higher gear levels then the "entry" level requirements, so dont' be dissapointed if you try to get into a few SnV or DF runs with 156 gear and get rejected. It's the nature of PuG's.


Once all you gear is 162+, you should have no problems getting into and OP in the game, PuG or no. Dread Palace can be quirky depending on the group, but overall your set once you hit that gear level.

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