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So I played this game when it first came out. Got to 50 and there wasn't much to do so I left. Recently a friend asked me to come back to play with him but he's never online. :)


Anyway I'm a big MMO player having played most of them.


How is this server for population? Is there any active guilds that are having fun leveling but also doing end game content?


Hope to hear from some people. I'm level 39 Vanguard now and have a 50 Shadow and a 15 Bounty Hunter

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So I played this game when it first came out. Got to 50 and there wasn't much to do so I left. Recently a friend asked me to come back to play with him but he's never online. :)


Anyway I'm a big MMO player having played most of them.


How is this server for population? Is there any active guilds that are having fun leveling but also doing end game content?


Hope to hear from some people. I'm level 39 Vanguard now and have a 50 Shadow and a 15 Bounty Hunter


First off, this game has an extensive endgame compared to 1.0 with tons of stuff to do, whether RP, PVE, PVP, dailies, etc. You'll find that there is a lot to explore including the most recent addition: player housing.


The server is great for population and there are many active guilds which promote RP, PVP, and PVE. Right now, because of the 12x XP boost to class missions, almost all leveling is a solo task, just spending 15-20 hours per toon to get it to max level. There are two guilds which are exclusively a "guild bonus" type of guild, one on each faction. I know that Solitary Warriors is the imp equivalent, but I do not remember the pub guild off the top of my head. They have guild chat disabled and just use the guild for the xp bonus it gives.


Check out a few threads for more information:


A general overview of the server from one of the server's best operative healers in PVP and PVE:



A list of guilds from one of the more active hardmode PVErs on the server:



If you're looking for the most active and populated guilds, I would check out which guilds are topping the boards on conquests, found at http://www.swtorconquest.com. The most dominant conquest guild has been REIGN®, although in the top 10 is Sith Praxium(E), Kobra Kais®, Sith Accademy(E), Defenders of the Southern Cross®, Dark Hunters(E), Rose Corp(E), Company®, Second-Mass®, and Republic SpecForce®.


Since you are a returner and will be more or less "reintroduced" into the game, if I were you I'd look for the most "lowbie" or "newbie" friendly guilds, and NOT a guild with mostly level 55 characters. Most of the guilds topping the boards in conquest are there because they're mainly endgame guilds, so they may not necessarily be the best fit for you.


Here is my advice for finding a guild that works for you, stolen from EvadableMoxie from POT5:


How to get into a good guild: (This works for almost any game)


1. Play the game. Seriously. Don't try to pick a guild before you play. Its a crap shoot at that point. Continue on to figure out why.


2. As you play, group up with people. When you group, be social. Say hello when you enter a group, chat with your groupmates during downtime.


3. When you group with someone who you liked grouping with, add them to your friend's list. This is the important part. You want to build connections. Even if you never join a guild, having a list of good players in your friends list will make your life infinitely easier, especally if they are people you geniunely enjoy playing with.


4. Make yourself desirable to good guild. This means read up on your class and what the proper rotation/builds are, keep your gear up to date, carry consumables, be informed of what the fights are. Basically, you should want to be Credit to Team instead of Little Tiny Man. You don't need to be theorycrafting to try to squeeze out that extra 0.01% dps, in fact its ok if you suck, as long as you're trying. Its very easy to tell who is trying and who is lazy.


5. When you group, look for those guys on your friends list and invite them along. Not only will this create friendships but it'll if you added them to your friend's list that means you like playing with them, so it'll make your grouping experience more fun.


6. If you do this enough and are not guilded, I will garentee you someone will invite you to their guild. I would recommend trying to get to know other people in the guild before you join, and do a little diligence on them first. Check their guild forums or the server forums to see if they have a bad reputation of problem players. You'll probably get someone who invites you to their guild after the first time grouping with them even if you haven't said a word. This should be considered no better then people who spam local.


Above all else remember this: The easier it is for you to get in, the easier it is for an ******e to get in, and the easier it is for ******es to get in, the more ******es will be in.


Spam invites or invites anyone from local: Avoid these guilds, they have no sense of identity and no sense of cohesion or loyality.

Nice to you and other guildies: but treats everyone else like ****: These are at best elitist ******es and at worst complete ******es with enough restrain to organize. Ultimately these people only help the guild to help themselves.

The guildmaster only logs in for 2 hours a week: There is nothing wrong with enjoying a game casually, but you shouldn't be running a guild if your not willing to put the time in.

The leadership is constantly bickering: Its probably best to avoid this situation. Every guild has a certain level of drama but it should be the problem players vrs the leadership rather then the leadership itself fighting. If that happens a split is almost inevitable.

If it seems like a guild is trying to take advantage of you, they probably are: In other words if they expect you to farm for 3 hours to create stims to give them to the guild and threaten to punish you in some way if you don't, it's time to hit the road. If they expect you to pay credits as an entry fee or dues, don't join. Of course, combing wealth for something mutually beneficial is different. If the guild expects you to chip in some credits so they can provide you and everyone else for stims cheaply, thats entirely different.


Best of luck finding someone who fits you.

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Appreciate the feedback. Only one response but over 200 views so seems the forums are active.


REIGN sounds like a good fit maybe. I'll have to see if I can find them.


My ingame names are


Vharion - 40 Vanguard

Legends 50 Shadow

Tynick - 22 Bounty Hunter


Really enjoying the game second time around so much more to do and so much left to see. If any other guilds are looking for a Vanguard, will be main then probably Bounty Hunter let me know. If their is maybe a group of people who want to form a guild I would be up for that too. I have Teamspeak Server and could make a website super easy and quick. etc. I'm not sure the extent of how guilds work in SWTOR. I've been in huge guilds in EQ and EQ2 and WoW and Tera. Anyway if your new to the game or looking for some company etc msg me ingame.


Look forward to meeting some people on the server!

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