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Stopcasting Keybind


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Please add a separate stopcasting keybind when you add casting while moving into the game.


There are two ways to cancel your cast prematurely. Moving or hitting the ESC key.


The ESC key is inconvenient. Casting while moving/jumping abilities are great for the game, but this mechanic also prevents the most fluent way to cancel your casts.


This is important for PvP and PvE. I am not only talking about fake casting.


There are boss and mob encounters that have reflect or immunity mechanics. You need to be able to conveniently cancel your cast in those situations.


It is more important for PvP and honestly should be in the game already with the way sniper and cover is designed.


PvP scenario. Sniper uses knockback and starts casting ambush. Guardian pops saber reflect, but cannot leap because sniper is in cover. Sniper needs to cancel his ambush cast. He can't move or he will be leaped. This is where a stopcasting keybind would really help.


It will become more important when you factor in casting abilities while moving.

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