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<Audacious> is recruiting for NiM Progression Raiders and Conquestors!


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Faction: Empire

Looking For: Progression Raiders and Conquestors

NiM Raid Progress: Both of our current NiM teams are 4/5 on DF

Conquest: We Have a Guild Ship and Place on the Board on a Weekly Basis

Raid Times and Voice Chat: Progression: Tues, Wed, Thurs at 9:30 EST, Gearing Runs Friday and Saturday, we use Ventrilo for voice.

Website: http://www.audacious.enjin.com


About Us


We are a not elitist Progression Guild that focuses primarily on PvE, Raiding, and Conquest. We have two NiM teams, and we are looking to get a new, third team going. As for conquest, as people know, the more conquestors we have the better we get!


If you want to join the guild, you should whisper someone from Audacious in game and ask to talk to an officer, toss me a PM on the forums, or put in an application on our website. Be prepared for us to ask you to run a raid with us before giving you a permanent spot on the new NiM team. If you have any questions, just ask! It's a great group of people, and we have a really good time.

Edited by DPSita
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