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Best race for Agent (lore wise)


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People usually say Chiss makes the best race for Agent, but I am beggining to wonder why.

Taken from swtor wikia: the Chiss were singled out by the Empire as potential servants and allies because of their outsider status and their relative lack of moral qualms. It is not that Chiss are by nature evil, but that they value pragmatism and efficiency and recognize both those qualities reflected in the Empire.


Agents usually work undercover, posing as neutral parties or rebel sympathizers. Keeping that in mind, if you're a rebel, wouldn't a Chiss be the very last person you would trust to work with? Wouldn't a Chiss be the first person you'd suspect to be working with the Empire when things suspiciously don't go as planned?


It doesn't make sense to me, considering all of risks that already come with being a rebel terrorist, why any rebels would even consider working with a Chiss... let alone trusting them to carry out some of the most critical aspects of their terrorist objectives.

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That's pretty much why I made my BH Chiss. Human probably fits best since most of Watchers and whatnot are human. Although aesthetically I feel Rattataki fits well as a sneaky Operative. I also have a Sniper who's a Cyborg though,which are basically humans with a few implants, right?
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despite the Alien friendly Republic (which would make people think a alien serving the empire is highly unlikely) it seems many in the republic the average citizen have trouble telling which alien is which.

Devaronians became targets of prejudice within outlying regions of Republic space, with less-educated citizens confusing the pureblood Sith and Devaronian biological traits. Before widely distributed images of true Sith purebloods put an end to the confusion, a few disreputable Devaronians gleefully took advantage of this change in reputation, only too happy to be feared."

plus there are other blue aliens in the galaxy and although the Empire is allies with the chiss, it is possible that some of their species have traveled into republic space before.

Edited by Kaisernick
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Well, you need to keep a few factors in mind.


1. While the Chiss are one of the few alien races the Empire will openly acknowledge, and are somewhat less likely to experience open, in your face specism within the Empire, they do not work exclusively for the Empire. It's also worth noting that they do still experience the Empires intolerance, just to a more subtle degree (mostly), so it's not hard to imagine a Chiss freelancing or working against the Empire.


2. An enemy infiltrator can be *anything*. Singling out the Chiss would not make, for example, a group of rebel sympathizers any safer. It's even more likely that any Imperial threat will arrive in the form of a human being.


3. Lastly, but perhaps most importantly, the same logic used to exclude Chiss agents actually makes them extremely valuable to the "other side". Real life terrorist organizations work like this, and this is a military tactic that was recorded as far back as The Art of War.


An agent that can move among your enemies, without drawing suspicion, is obscenely valuable and worth taking a chance on, worth allowing the opportunity to prove their loyalty.

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despite the Alien friendly Republic (which would make people think a alien serving the empire is highly unlikely) it seems many in the republic the average citizen have trouble telling which alien is which.



Not to mention that, outside the highest levels of Republic command, few people outside the Empire have ever heard of the Chiss. (Source) There are hundreds of different species in the galaxy. Are you gonna discriminate just because that person has blue skin and red eyes? Racist. :p


Other than that, a good reason to play a Chiss agent is that your race is actually mentioned here and there. It was nice being acknowledged as Chiss rather than generic alien.

Edited by Phenixmirage
Didn't properly crop my quote
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Other than that, a good reason to play a Chiss agent is that your race is actually mentioned here and there. It was nice being acknowledged as Chiss rather than generic alien.


^^^ This.


All the other reasons aside, the reason why people recommend Chiss as the 'best' race for Agent is probably because Bioware wrote Chiss-specific content into the Agent story-line. Not the generic "you're an alien" acknowledgement in the other storylines, but actual Chiss content.

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Playing as human is quite fun too. People look up to you, admire you, give you a nudge for being Imperial here and there. A human Imperial Agent is automatically Imperial, and so you get this 'Hero of the People' vibe going on. It also means it's easier to get people to listen to your view points, like "Aliens are productive members of society and should be treated with respect" sort of thing. Also, Infiltration is slightly easier, as I can be anyone most of the time.

Though sometimes there's speciesist chat options that make me say "what the hell, game?"


Also, your inspiring speech to the Archaeological Team on Tatooine is pretty cool.


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