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Two bugs to report....assistance welcome


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My characters started as f2p. spoke to the stronghold rep on main character. created 2 other characters. Then I subscribed and bought a stonghold. I went to a previous character from f2p, and was able to place a companion in stronghold. Then spoke to stronghold holo, got the stronghold mission, went to my stronghold, and could not place a vehicle I own in the stronghold. It said I didnt own it. I went to show all, and it said 0/0 next to the vehicle. I do not think it had to do with a binding period, because I tried within an hour after I bought the speeder, and again later I think.


Second bug is Biochem. I will craft items, and it will not progress. It will every now and then, but it should be much higher than it is. I think it does say your biochem is now.....but doesnt reflect it in the crew tab

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I am still having this issue. The only thing I can add is that it did start to work for a while. In other words it abruptly stopped. Reinstalled the game, worked for a bit, now doesnt anymore.


The character was origionally F2p, then preferred, now sub. Bought the skill as a preferred.

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