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Guild Rank System Broken


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I have sent in a few bug reports and made a few phone calls only to be tossed to the wind, and have had every ticket I completed, either closed or deleted. My Guild rank system reset, and when I add the ranks back, the permissions do not work. I feel as if this issue will not be fixed, and the closing of all 3 of my accounts and 76 accounts in my guild might get a response, but doubt it. In fact I am almsot sure this thread will be closed like the rest. Will someone please reset my guilds ranking system so that we can allow people to play the game, and use the bank, and do other things that they are paying for. You have my accopunt information, I know you have my email address because someone said they where working on it a month ago. This has been broken for 2 months and its sad that we cant get any help. Edited by Eciruam-Lore
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