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Shadow of Revan, no new species :(


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Whose we? No YOU desperately want a new race, I do not. Quite happy with what we have here.


There are plenty of threads (the OP included) who want a new species. So the pronoun 'we' is very applicable. Go pound sand, troll.

Edited by Yukondoit
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There are plenty of threads (the OP included) who want a new species. So the pronoun 'we' is very applicable. Go pound sand, troll.


Um no it isn't. The pronoun 'we' implies everyone and by you using it it assumes you speak for everyone. So like I said, you don't speak for me or anyone else so don't presume to know what everyone wants. Oh and if that is trolling to you..just wow.

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Um no it isn't. The pronoun 'we' implies everyone and by you using it it assumes you speak for everyone. So like I said, you don't speak for me or anyone else so don't presume to know what everyone wants. Oh and if that is trolling to you..just wow.


For what is worth, I'm not a fan of people using "we" whenever they actually mean "I". Guess we're both trolls. ;)

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Um no it isn't. The pronoun 'we' implies everyone and by you using it it assumes you speak for everyone. So like I said, you don't speak for me or anyone else so don't presume to know what everyone wants. Oh and if that is trolling to you..just wow.


You are trolling because you know exactly what he meant. There's a lot of people that would like a new species myself included. And since this thread was created by one of those people that desire a new species, then yes, him using "we" made sense.


No one asked you to reply to this, you didn't have to considering it is about something that doesn't interest you, so what is you're point in here really except for irritating the rest of us?!

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You are trolling because you know exactly what he meant. There's a lot of people that would like a new species myself included. And since this thread was created by one of those people that desire a new species, then yes, him using "we" made sense.


No one asked you to reply to this, you didn't have to considering it is about something that doesn't interest you, so what is you're point in here really except for irritating the rest of us?!


You hit the nail on the head. Just keep in mind that the dude's a troll digging a hole, man. In no universe does "we" signify everyone (at least in no universe with people who actually understand and comprehend the English language)--it signifies more than one individual.


Now, in my signature, I say "we all," which does indeed indicate that, but that's mainly for dramatic effect as that's been my signature for well over two years. :D

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You are trolling because you know exactly what he meant. There's a lot of people that would like a new species myself included. And since this thread was created by one of those people that desire a new species, then yes, him using "we" made sense.


No one asked you to reply to this, you didn't have to considering it is about something that doesn't interest you, so what is you're point in here really except for irritating the rest of us?!


Again no it did NOT make sense. Really if you think it is trolling to point out the obvious then fine go ahead and accuse me of trolling, I really don't care. The fact remains, the "we" is not correct at all. It does not matter if one person feels the same or a hundred people feel the same. Each person speaks for themselves on any particular matter and to speak for anyone else means you deny them a voice.


Does not matter if no one asked me to reply, I chose to reply anyway. I am irritating you? How cute. So again snide attacks aside, my point is, that I believe that people should speak for themselves only and not for a single other person. My opinion obviously just like yours. I don't expect you to agree but don't tell me I am trolling or being irritating just because I say something you don't like. It makes you look like the troll.

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You hit the nail on the head. Just keep in mind that the dude's a troll digging a hole, man. In no universe does "we" signify everyone (at least in no universe with people who actually understand and comprehend the English language)--it signifies more than one individual.


Now, in my signature, I say "we all," which does indeed indicate that, but that's mainly for dramatic effect as that's been my signature for well over two years. :D


Hahaha you are so funny. I am not digging any hole, I just said something you don't seem to agree with and therefore branded a troll. Oh this has nothing to do with the English language, this has to do with the fact that I do not like when people assume they speak for me and when I read 'we" that is what I think. You can back peddle make all the excuses you want but that is what it comes down to

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Hahaha you are so funny. I am not digging any hole, I just said something you don't seem to agree with and therefore branded a troll. Oh this has nothing to do with the English language, this has to do with the fact that I do not like when people assume they speak for me and when I read 'we" that is what I think. You can back peddle make all the excuses you want but that is what it comes down to


Just because you think something doesn't make it right.

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Exactly what doesn't make it right? It is how I think, show me evidence to suggest to suggest it is somehow wrong to feel a certain way or have a certain opinion.


when my neighbour says we need a new roof I don't assume he is talking about me and my family as well.

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Just because you think something doesn't make it right.


If people speak for themselves, on a individual basis, they use "I".


If they've been chosen or elected by others, they can use "We" at will I guess.


The latter didn't occur.


- - - -


While at it...


I wouldn't mind a new race myself, but I fail to see how the game would instantly be better because of it.


Can we also discuss this? It's an honest question.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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Good for you? Comparing a real life example to how things work in an online forum does not really work. I still don't see your point.


You have never referred to something you are doing with your guild to a non-guild member as we ?

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You have never referred to something you are doing with your guild to a non-guild member as we ?


I say 'our guild does x and y' I do not say it is how 'we" do it. The reason being is that our guild is really multi faceted and it would be wrong of me to assume I could describe it all.

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