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IA story loose end


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I don't think i'd consider that as a "loose End".


The IA is made to make you read heavily into things but... that might be a bit much. Im sure that was just an idle threat towards the IA.



A Loose End in the IA Story (as far as I know)


Chapter 1 finale.

IA attempts to kill Darth Jadus but holds him in a shield. He escapes with no further word or appearance in the story.


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I don't think i'd consider that as a "loose End".


The IA is made to make you read heavily into things but... that might be a bit much. Im sure that was just an idle threat towards the IA.



A Loose End in the IA Story (as far as I know)


Chapter 1 finale.

IA attempts to kill Darth Jadus but holds him in a shield. He escapes with no further word or appearance in the story.


That's not a loose end. That's one of the many possible outcomes at the end of chapter one.

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Right, forgot about that one too. Tho she seemed like a shoe-horned in character in the first place.


It's a play on Sith stereotypes, a counter-balance to the -- apparently -- far more moderate and restrained Darth Jadus, her father.


One governs resorting to reason and an overwhelming presence; The other uses lightning.


One is seen as a rival by other members of the Dark Council; The other is a feeble weakling.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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The Red Blade



The Red Blade is an easter egg for the princess bride. During the movie it is reveled that the Dread Pirate Robberts is an identity that is passed down from one pirate to the next so that each successor can use the reputation that has been built up around the name. The same is true for the Red Blade, something you can learn if you choose the right dialog options.



Chapter 1 Ending



You have 3 options. 1) You can let Jadus escape while you disable the eradicators, preventing them from firing. 2) You can trap Jadus in the force fields which allows the Dark Council to show up and take him prisoner [he doesn't escape from that or 3) You can throw your lot in with Jadus.



Darth Zhorrid



She is dead. Either at the hands of the council when they tire of her antics or at the hands of her father now that she is no longer useful if you chose option 3 above.


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