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Double Dotting Questions: Can it Increase DPS?


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Other classes can double dot targets to increase their dps(for example my shadow can keep sever force up on 2 separate targets). Is there a viable way to do this as a commando? I cannot find one and here are my problems.


My dot options are....

1. assault plastique - has a cooldown cannot be "doubled"

2. incindary round - has no cooldown, can be doubled...but I don't have a great way to work it into the rotation bc of the high ammo use. I can double dot a couple times and use my cd to get back ammo. It is basically an ammo problem with the more IR I use the more hammer shot I need to fill in with to regain the ammo...and the dps net is a loss.


Fights this is somewhat relevant: The bestia fight. How can I effectively double dot a monster, a boss, a tentacle for example. The council fight how can I double dot brontes and styrax in phase 2? stuff like that.


Anyone help me out? Thank you.


P.S. Not talking about using aoe's like mortar volley, plasma grenade, assault cannon.

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Hey Fox,


When i used double dotting on the few council pulls that i have done, it seemed to increase dps. You will end up delaying the proc and you may have to using an additional HS. However in the long run it seemed to up dps (I could be wrong). I prefer gunnery for bestia so i don't have much experience in that fight with assault. It may be helpful, but i'm not sure. And not sure how beneficial it is overall either.


Double dotting as a commando is much trickier because everything is expensive, and both specs stink for energy if you screw up your rotation.

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