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CZ-198 added for achievements... but


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The achievement lists conquering Alderaan as the way to earn that achievement. Not sure if this is basically a "tool tip" bug (clerical error) or winning Alderaan would award titles for both Alderaan and CZ-198.


Also... any word on a retroactive award for those who won CZ-198 in week 3? We do appreciate updates!

Edited by Zharik
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Just as an FYI the Galactic Conquorer achievement is also missing the CZ title as a pre-req, unlike all other conquest targets,


I really don't see them making it part of the Galactic Conqueror Title. Too many folks would totally QQ over that change. Many guilds planned AROUND CZ-198 not being in that title.


Personally.. Yea.. I say make it part of it, but I've already conquered that planet too. :)

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