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Bioware: Is Crafting to Win™ intended?


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If you don't like a particular aspect of the game, you are not going to participate in that aspect of the game. There is nothing appealing to me about conquests, so I don't participate. If you participate, you obviously, on balance, like conquests. When that stops being true, you will stop doing conquests. End of story.


Wrong. Especially in a guild, one member will help another with smthing he's already done or doesnt particularly enjoy. And As I said b4, a player can enjoy certain aspects of a game. I enjoy the competion itself. I'd like to enjoy it more. Hence this thread. I'll do conquest whether i enjoy it or not to support my guild. cuz i enjoy playing with them.


Balance Crafing Points


You hv alot to learn about human nature. Even with something as simple as game. And the concept of fun.

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Are you literally saying it takes the same amount of time and effort to craft than it takes to do a raid???

Well, let's see, when you craft, you are sitting in a chair in front of you computer moving the mouse and pressing buttons. When you raid, on the other hand, you are ...


... sitting in a chair in front of your computer moving the mouse and pressing buttons.


I see the difference now.


Wrong. Especially in a guild, one member will help another with smthing he's already done or doesnt particularly enjoy. And As I said b4, a player can enjoy certain aspects of a game. I enjoy the competion itself. I'd like to enjoy it more. Hence this thread. I'll do conquest whether i enjoy it or not to support my guild. cuz i enjoy playing with them.

Do you enjoy contradicting yourself this much all the time? You just said you do conquests to support your guild, which you obviously enjoy. If you do not enjoy a leisure activity for one reason or another, you're not going to do it.



Edited by branmakmuffin
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A game is a game. There is nothing inherently superior about an MMO versus Monopoly. If someone really likes Monopoly and really hates MMOs, to that person Monopoly is superior.


Are you okay? do you need someone to talk to? :(


The game is either good enough to play or it's not. /shrug It's a computer game, not a trip to the ER.



Hey, if you like venting on the forums, vent away.


So you think that constructive feedback is the same as a rage filled vent? oh my

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However I don`t think conquest is overall worth the effort because the rewards for conquering a planet are very lackluster.



Its only about the prizes for a few. Its about enjoying the competition itself for the top guilds. Working together to achieve a goal.

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Well, let's see, when you craft, you are sitting in a chair in front of you computer moving the mouse and pressing buttons. When you raid, on the other hand, you are ...


... sitting in a chair in front of your computer moving the mouse and pressing buttons.


I see the difference now.


When you write a grocery list you are moving a pencil across some paper. When you author a novel you are moving a pencil across some paper. Same thing...now who wants to turn my grocery list into a best seller? :D

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Well, let's see, when you craft, you are sitting in a chair in front of you computer moving the mouse and pressing buttons. When you raid, on the other hand, you are ...


... sitting in a chair in front of your computer moving the mouse and pressing buttons.


I see the difference now.


Clearly the point has flown straight over your head. Or you're just trolling people now.


This is a video game, we are talking about the time and effort IN GAME, not in real life. And clearly this game must be a huge part of your real life, because you're so defensive

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Clearly the point has flown straight over your head. Or you're just trolling people now.


This is a video game, we are talking about the time and effort IN GAME, not in real life. And clearly this game must be a huge part of your real life, because you're so defensive


Clearly HE'S the defensive one... :rolleyes:

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Well, let's see, when you craft, you are sitting in a chair in front of you computer moving the mouse and pressing buttons. When you raid, on the other hand, you are ...


... sitting in a chair in front of your computer moving the mouse and pressing buttons.


I see the difference now.


You don't have to be by your computer, move your mouse or click any buttons while your companions craft your stuff... so your fake analogy didn't even work.

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This is a video game, we are talking about the time and effort IN GAME, not in real life. And clearly this game must be a huge part of your real life, because you're so defensive

Since you are simply restating my position back at me as if you are making some kind of point, either you agree with me or you are trying to troll me.


You don't have to be by your computer, move your mouse or click any buttons while your companions craft your stuff... so your fake analogy didn't even work.

There's only so much they can do when you send them off and then log.

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Since you are simply restating my position back at me as if you are making some kind of point, either you agree with me or you are trying to troll me.



There's only so much they can do when you send them off and then log.


Again, if you read up someones already invalidated your analogy. You don't have to be at your computer when you craft stuff..


let me guess...now you're going to say "oh well you can just put someone on follow in a raid!!"


Your desperation is showing :rolleyes:

Edited by EvenHardNiner
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Differential calculus, stand aside. Here comes "hard mode raid strategizing."






Lol, you've demonstrated that ya cant deal with people nor can you count. must suck to not be able to do either. Btw, how do you do in pvp?


And no, liking a board game better than an mmo doesnt mean the person considers it superior. Its called personal preference. Exp: Liking Apples better than oranges. Both are fruits. Just like monopoly and mmos are both games. Cant really compare the too though. Try logic every now and then.

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Again, if you read up someones already invalidated your analogy. You don't have to be at your computer when you craft stuff..

You don't invalidate an analogy by saying "I invalidated your analogy." That's like saying 'I answered your question" by saying "I answered your question."


Bottom line is, TOR is just a game. You seem to be one of those people who gets all worked over trivialities. I'm sure your attitude causes you no grief whatsoever in other aspects of your life.

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You don't invalidate an analogy by saying "I invalidated your analogy." That's like saying 'I answered your question" by saying "I answered your question."


Bottom line is, TOR is just a game. You seem to be one of those people who gets all worked over trivialities. I'm sure your attitude causes you no grief whatsoever in other aspects of your life.


But he literally just invalidated your analogy and then said your fake analogy didnt work. Learn to read maybe?


Bottom line is, people are posting feedback and how it can be improved. You're the one who gives lousy responses such as "dont like it dont play it"....i wouldnt be surprised if youre the kind of person who also applies this mindset to real life things as well, someone who gives up easily without question or thought

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You don't invalidate an analogy by saying "I invalidated your analogy." That's like saying 'I answered your question" by saying "I answered your question."


Bottom line is, TOR is just a game. You seem to be one of those people who gets all worked over trivialities. I'm sure your attitude causes you no grief whatsoever in other aspects of your life.


It was invalidated, because it was wrong. Or do you really think its impossible to set your toons to craft and then walk away from the keyboard? Wait...You probably do. Feel free to try again tho, with a decent analogy. I mean, its not differential calculus or anything right?


SWTOR is game that we want to make better. Why do you have a problem with that and the idea of BALANCE CRAFTING with the other conquest objectives?

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Are you literally saying it takes the same amount of time and effort to craft than it takes to do a raid???


Let's not pretending raiding takes a ton more effort. I have played with some not-so-smart people in my time and given the right instructions they easily pass the test without breaking a sweat. This isn't planning the third world war.


So it might require a little more work in terms of calories burned but lets not make it so its equivalent to running a decathlon. Its a computer game. I swear to God if this game dropped gold from the sky people would complain because it didn't drop gold at the exact moment they logged in.

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There's only so much they can do when you send them off and then log.


I mean, we could talk about the glaring difference between Monopoly and SWTOR. Your Monopoly game can never change. If it was found that games were more balanced by property X being $50 more, Hasbro can't click a button and change the numbers on your board. They could change it for future games (like Risk did by adding new countries and borders), but your game will always be the same.


If we find that conquests are more balanced by reducing the point gaining efficiency of crafting, BW can click a button and the numbers change. That's why SWTOR has a forum where we can discuss the game's merits and make suggestions.


There are also no balancing factors to take into account as your one game of Monopoly is independent of everyone else's game. So if you choose to change the values of properties or completely make up new rules, go around the board backwards, etc., it's fine as long as the players playing have agreed to it. If we allowed players to do that on SWTOR, PvP would be filled with lag switching, speed hacking, insta capping hackers and nothing else.

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I mean, we could talk about the glaring difference between Monopoly and SWTOR. Your Monopoly game can never change. If it was found that games were more balanced by property X being $50 more, Hasbro can't click a button and change the numbers on your board. They could change it for future games (like Risk did by adding new countries and borders), but your game will always be the same.


If we find that conquests are more balanced by reducing the point gaining efficiency of crafting, BW can click a button and the numbers change. That's why SWTOR has a forum where we can discuss the game's merits and make suggestions.


There are also no balancing factors to take into account as your one game of Monopoly is independent of everyone else's game. So if you choose to change the values of properties or completely make up new rules, go around the board backwards, etc., it's fine as long as the players playing have agreed to it. If we allowed players to do that on SWTOR, PvP would be filled with lag switching, speed hacking, insta capping hackers and nothing else.


Read It Again^. =A better conquest experience. And for the millionth time lays to rest the moronic comparison between an mmo and monopoly.

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You don't invalidate an analogy by saying "I invalidated your analogy." That's like saying 'I answered your question" by saying "I answered your question."


Bottom line is, TOR is just a game. You seem to be one of those people who gets all worked over trivialities. I'm sure your attitude causes you no grief whatsoever in other aspects of your life.


Of course it's just a game. That doesn't mean people aren't allowed to have opinions or suggest feedback, and it's kind of ridiculous that you would brand anyone who provides either as taking the game too seriously. People (you included) seem far more worked up about the forum argument than the actual game mechanics. Should I brand you as taking the forum too seriously because you continue to post in a thread you say you believe is pointless?


In the end. the truth is, that some people believe crafting is a bit OP in terms of Conquest rewards, while other clearly disagree. Bioware will take that feedback and either act on it or not, based on what they see here and in game. That's the only part of this that actually matters.


As this thread has derailed from discussing mechanics and their effect on game playability and enjoyment there's not much point in continuing the discussion really. Of course, I expect it to go on another 18 pages or so before it flares out, but then, that's par for the course too. :p

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I see dozens of millions of Conquest points and can only think: leave your computer and get out because this dedication is clearly not healthy at all.


Yeah, i think the same of people who sit on their butt all day at work for a living. Getn money, but completely unhealthy. Same with tv or anything where u r sitn down for hrs. Might get enjoyment, but not healthy. BUT, crafting doesnt require you to be sitting at your computer. Ya start ur companions crafting and then r free to leave.

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