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<Lost Serenity> Recruiting republic members for raiding.


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Lost Serenity is recruiting today!

We are:

NA, PVE, Exile, Semi-Hardcore, Mature (18+) and West Coast.


We are a small community of players who are looking to expand. We came from Wildstar and we would like to expand in SWTOR. We are recruiting all classes and roles.


The leaders of Lost Serenity have experience in WOW, Wildstar, Swtor raids and the other members in our guild have experience in other games as well. We are a community of players that actually play well, and know what we are doing. We don't like to raid and stress people out because there is no need for it. Raiding will not be treated like it is a second job. I assure you of that.


We are looking to experience the content that SWTOR has to offer. All roles and classes are accepted and please feel free to whisper me in game, my toon's name is Elliai.


IF you would like more information of our guild please go to http://www.lostserenity.ws and check out the guild charter tab. Because we are just now branching off, the main page is for SWTOR members. :)


Edited by tacobellkrystal
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