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Fastest 1-55 leveling contest


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Here are the groundrules.

No assistance from alts, guilds, friends, etc. This means that you cannot have anyone craft for you although you can craft/gather for yourself. Any grouping must be PUGs or through GF.

PvP is allowed. As are Heroics/Dalies/Weeklys

You are allowed to take advantage of XP tabs but you cannot be in a guild (because of the XP bonus) and you cannot do this on an Double-XP weekend.

More rules as I think of loopholes.


Basically you by yourself, how fast can you gat a toon from creation to 55?

This thread is if you want to share strategies or times. I will be making the run probably this weekend.

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Nothing that requires credits from another alt. I would also say no legacy XP boosts (pretend it is your first toon). Anything from CM or GTN is fair game provided you do not get any credits except what your toon makes and if you are willing to spend RL$ to get cartel coins to do this challenge then go ahead. Edited by EllieAnne
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Here's my issue. Why would anyone want to do this when there are tools available to make it faster? You should lift the rules and make anything fair game if you want people to actually take part in this. Also, how are you going to police these rules?
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well,i can level a alt from 1 to 55 in one week if i play for farm and only for leveling up,and 2 days with 2x xp on if i hardcore on that alt,in rest maybe a maximum of a month,but if i am bored that there is no much content to do from time to time on my main then 2 months at max. Edited by EpickFaill
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