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I've chosen to level a marauder have a few questions.


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Sup everyone so i've decided to level a marauder as my next class. So far I have a merc, vanguard, gunslinger, sorc and i'll be leveling a marauder next but I wanted to know, how is the class in pvp and pve? Ive been told by a lot of players that marauders are extremely squishy compared to other classes in pvp but in pve they are a blast to play. Do you think it's a good idea to invest time in leveling one?
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Sup everyone so i've decided to level a marauder as my next class. So far I have a merc, vanguard, gunslinger, sorc and i'll be leveling a marauder next but I wanted to know, how is the class in pvp and pve? Ive been told by a lot of players that marauders are extremely squishy compared to other classes in pvp but in pve they are a blast to play. Do you think it's a good idea to invest time in leveling one?


I don't understand people who asks these types of questions. Asking a random # of people what their preferances in this game are probably won't matter to your personal opinion. However i realize that leveling a char takes time and I understand the need for a justification for it.


I will speak from a pvp perspective only.

A marauder is probably the class that you have to invest most time in in order to be reasonably good. Playing pvp as a marauder demands a lot from you.


Now to the "is it worth it".

Yes! Absolutely yes. No other class takes me on a rollercoaster of emotions like the marauder. It's hella fun, fast paced and the rewards, especially with a buddy and / or a healer in your team (aka playing in premades with friends) are sweet as candy.


In shorter wording: It can feel squishy, it can feel like a ****** class but then after time invested and/or watching vids and then some more time invested, you will see that it is an excellent class with minor faults (aka UR/GbtF)


Do you like fast paced action like this?

then go for it i would say.
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