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How many classes have cross overs?


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I just played the JC story line and noticed a ton of cross overs, that I hadn't noticed before. I'm thinking that it's because I'm playing it after I've played the others and am wondering what I've missed.


The JC had that I noticed:



Grey Star from the agent

Mako from the BH

Child of the empire from the JW

Jargos from the Trooper

Any others I missed?



I've played all the Sith stories and didn't notice any. What did I miss playing the sith first?

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I just played the JC story line and noticed a ton of cross overs, that I hadn't noticed before. I'm thinking that it's because I'm playing it after I've played the others and am wondering what I've missed.


The JC had that I noticed:



Grey Star from the agent

Mako from the BH

Child of the empire from the JK

Jargos from the Trooper

Any others I missed?



I've played all the Sith stories and didn't notice any. What did I miss playing the sith first?


First of all, there's a ton of cross-overs at the end of the agent storyline. You know what I'm talking about.

As far as I can recall, there aren't really any "hey look it's that guy" moments in the Imperial class story lines. All the connections appear to be mentioned Pubside, which is a shame. For example, Vette apparently used to run with Risha from the Smuggler's story. Kaliyo is an old fling of JK companion Doc. The JC gets a ton of connections, as you listed.

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Where exactly does this happen in the JC story line? I have a lvl 33 shadow, and need a reason to get back playing her and knowing i could see those references would be awesome (im not concerned about anyone spoiling stuff for me).



Almost exclusively companion quests. I.e. Zenith worked under Grey Star, Mako (via Braden) is an old friend of Qyzen, the Children are major plot points for the main storyline (in fact, the Child in the JK story is more of a JC reference than vice versa), and Lt. Sweet-but-Boring Iresso used to serve under Aric Jorgan.


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Where exactly does this happen in the JC story line? I have a lvl 33 shadow, and need a reason to get back playing her and knowing i could see those references would be awesome (im not concerned about anyone spoiling stuff for me).


I noticed most of them in act 2 and 3. Some of them required companion reputation.

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Connections like this make me almost wish you could actually have your companions interact with other people's companions, like if a BH and JC ended up running into one another with Qyzen and Mako out, each companion would make some kind of commentary heard by both players like.


Or heck, I wouldn't mind some inter-class companion interaction. Agents have it nice with Lokin who seems connected to everyone in some way from his time in Imperial Intelligence or knows a thing or two, but that's the gist of it. Otherwise it feels like even if companions live on the same ship, they might as well live on other galaxies.

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I just read some reddit stuff about the future of SWTOR and it says that in the future story arcs our classes will meet and interact with each other and the interaction will be based on thier LS/DS aligment and legacy tree relationship with your characters.
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I just read some reddit stuff about the future of SWTOR and it says that in the future story arcs our classes will meet and interact with each other and the interaction will be based on thier LS/DS aligment and legacy tree relationship with your characters.


That was BS, an elaborate ruse someone came up with in order to have people reading their overblown fan-fiction.




How is it possible people still fall for that? Mankind is so doomed.

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