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Lowbie PvP (imp)


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I am a member of <Anima> and, I never was a member of <Catfish>. Get your facts straight first before you make these odd assertions about guilds etc. Also, many of us left imps only to help out pub side. So, yes we are low lvls, mids but we are leveling up. Don't worry, we will also own you in mids once our core members get there. After that? We will own you at 55.
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After that? We will own you at 55.


With many people from catfish in your guild? Yeah I highly doubt we'll even see you in 55's, let alone you "owning" anyone. Especially if you let people bait you off the node as easily as I did a few days ago.

Edited by Hei_Atzfel
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I only know of 2 players in the guild that were in <Catfish>. Both are cool guys and I am glad to have them. As for the rest of the guild, we are mostly from assorted guilds on imp side, and a couple are from pvp guilds on pub side. If they want you to know what guilds they came from I am sure they will tell you.


What matters mostly is that pubs now have a chance in lower bracket pvp. Imps are not logging in en masse and just farming the much smaller population of lower lvl pubs in pvp. It is fun beating imps daily, warzone after warzone.


The only problem is now we have imps who are afraid to queue, so we been having much more pub vs. pub matches. We don't enjoy beating our fellow pubs, but at least this way pubs still win at the end of the match.

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Forget whatever I've said about you in the past Saeri... You're the best.


I feel my sarcasm senses tingling.


The only problem is now we have imps who are afraid to queue


Yeah somehow I highly doubt that. Considering that the last time I saw you guys in lowbies you were running a perfect comp premade and still managed to lose. But yes I'm sure the imps are shaking in their boots at you.

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I feel my sarcasm senses tingling.




Yeah somehow I highly doubt that. Considering that the last time I saw you guys in lowbies you were running a perfect comp premade and still managed to lose. But yes I'm sure the imps are shaking in their boots at you.


What day was this, honestly when we run 4 man groups, I cannot recall losing to any pug imps. I aint saying it can't happen, we can lose. But, we hardly lose often as you imply. You are basically lying. Whatever makes you feel better. Log in on your lowbie imp, get your premades and let's fight. It would be nice to have a challenge, or to even lose.


You act as if imps never ran lowbie premades. It's only fair that pubs have some decent groups who queue too.

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You are basically lying.


Just because what I'm saying goes completely against what your selective choice memory seems to say in no way means that I'm lying. It only means that you're trying to act better than you are.


You act as if imps never ran lowbie premades.


Also not true. I never once said that imps haven't ran low/midbie premades. There are premades in all brackets on both factions. However, winning a match against a low/midbie PUG when you're in a premade isn't exactly something you should feel that accomplished about, seeing as how easy it is. And LOSING to a pug? That's downright laughable.

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Alright so i am going to try to understand those who criticize a guild that groups together for pvp. Correct me if i am misinterpreting your message.


-Forming a guild to focus on pvp, then having members group for pvp is bad.

-"premades" can, and should never lose to other teams, even if the other team is not filled with any premades. that's laughable if a premade loses.

-It's bad to enjoy pvp, especially if you win while in a "premade" group. Regardless that the other side also does have premades, as some people have acknowledged here.


Did I get the point correctly?


I can actually say that I have enough humility to admit, being in past premades I have lost to other teams who might or might not have had premades in lowbie/mids warzones. Anyone that says they never beat a premade, or been beaten while in a group of friends (premade) is just lying. that or they do not pvp much. I have queued solo, and gotten in really good PUG warzone teams.


Another reason we group for pvp is, we like to group with people who know and play the warzones well. That's bad too, right? You then are not left up to chance on who might get into the warzone. Whether it is lowbies, mids, 55s, ranked pvp... All pvpers play to win and have a good match. Creating a group of friends/guildies to do so in my mind is nothing to be ashamed of.

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My "point" is that from what I've seen so far, your "PvP" guild is a joke, said point backed up by you admitting to having Catfish members in your guild, as said guild constantly does nothing but roll alt after alt to premade non-55, when they get called out for refusing to step foot in 55's they go on about how they're "good" but they never actually show any willingness to back it up. Guilty by association as the saying goes. You have Catfish members in your guild, you'll be viewed the same as them.
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Well, whatever you say, that's how you feel. The two guys that were in Catfish are fun to group with, good players and mature they don't talk crap to anyone. I like them and I guess that's more important to me. Even if it's true these players do not play 55 ranked pvp, honestly... who cares? Neither one of them has ever said, "Hey I am good". You are insulting people and making claims about them that I have never witnessed. If that's your problem, well, that's your problem. What we do in pvp, is we do well and have fun. End of story.
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Well, whatever you say, that's how you feel. The two guys that were in Catfish are fun to group with, good players and mature they don't talk crap to anyone. I like them and I guess that's more important to me. Even if it's true these players do not play 55 ranked pvp, honestly... who cares? Neither one of them has ever said, "Hey I am good". You are insulting people and making claims about them that I have never witnessed. If that's your problem, well, that's your problem. What we do in pvp, is we do well and have fun. End of story.


You may not have witnessed anything but I sure have. Catfish members getting upset over having the fact pointed out that they refuse to queue 55's and that whenever they get a character to 55 they just turn tail and flee back to midbies and lowbies yet again. If farming people who haven't got a clue how to play is "fun" for you people, then that's your thing, but don't claim to be good while doing it.


And allow me to quote a "Fluffy******s" word for word here: "Catfish isn't too bad for 55's, we just wanted new alts." That was roughly a month ago when said alts were in the 48-53 range. I saw nearly every single one of those characters in 55's for a few short days before, yet again, those same people went back to make another alt for low/midbies and not once since have I seen them in 55's. In fact, I've only seen two <Catfish> members in 55's, both of whom have shed that tag (probably once they realized once it stood for). An Operative and a Juggernaut, the latter of whom still seems to be running solo, but honestly running tagless is a better option than having the Catfish tag above your head if you ask me.


Guilty by association is, once again, how the saying goes. If you associate yourself with a certain kind of people you are going to be deemed to be just like or very similar to said people. You have members of Catfish in your guild, we can only assume that therefore Anima approaches PvP in the same manner that Catfish does, I.E. talking a big game only to get slaughtered in 55's and run away with your tails between your legs. I'd love for you to prove me wrong, to turn out to be a serious Republic PvP guild that will make Imp V Pub matches more entertaining than seeing the same two tags over and over again, but until I'm proven wrong I'm going to stick to my guns.

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Hey, no worries. We are staying pub side, and we will continue dominating lowbies until we have a group for mids. We will dominate that too, I am sure. And, if people want to do 55 pvp, ranked or unranked I have confidence we will do well there too. See you guys in the warzones and continue raging on the forums and in the warzones as we enjoy our times playing together and destroying you. :p
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So they can get slaughtered just like Catfish did and scurry off like scared little kids. It'll be amusing.


So maybe that is why they also do lower level premade groups, it is amusing to them . Looks like you guys have something in common, find beating horrible / unskilled players amusing.


Hehe, not on the server, but I must say your forums are awesome, I wonder if the server pvp is anything like the forums.

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