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User Interface going AWOL


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Short version:

UI half(assed) loading on area transition is still happening and with more regularity.


Long version:

Yesterday afternoon I queued to tank Boarding Party and upon arrival, none of my 'target gumps' loaded. I had the area map and chat window, so I was able to tell the others to wait while I crashed the client and reconnected (or else I would be booted from the flashpoint). Upon return, everything worked fine.


This morning I queued the same tank for the same flashpoints. Ran Boarding Party with no issues. When I got back to Fleet I queued again and Foundry popped. Upon arrival, I couldn't see anyone, and only my chat window had loaded this time. When the flashpoint conversation started, everyone appeared. After the conversation, my minimap had returned and I could exit the flashpoint.


When I arrived at the fleet, I only had the minimap and a semi functional upper button bar (the options and such). My chat window had gone away. Only some of the buttons in the upper button bar were actually working, I could bring up the character panel, inventory, but not abilities or strongholds or mission log... etc.


I managed to bring up the preferences to log out, and did so. When I logged back in, everything that was previously missing was still missing.


I switched characters, faction, and area. The same UI elements were still missing.


UI fail



UI still fail after switching character, faction and area.


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Did you try CTRL+U twice? Sometimes it fixes the problem.


Ctrl U has never fixed this problem, the occasional similar one, but once I get missing UI elements like this, it has never done anything for me. The UI refreshes, but only those the game remembers to display come up again. Something causes the game to flag certain elements as active - but hidden.


Sometimes It occurs and I can still get the interface editor to open. The missing elements are there, they're flagged as active with the checkbox, but all you see is the yellow outline showing where they should appear on screen.

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  • 3 months later...
My friend is having a similar problem he checked and his firewall was active on his virus protection this is the first time this has ever happened to him within the 3 years playing, I am betting that it is something in the files that his virus protection doesn't like.
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