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Questions Regarding FP Decor


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Just a couple questions regarding décor in Flash Points.


1) Do they only drop on HM versions of the FP?

2) Do you have to be doing the FP with a full group for them to drop?


From my experience, they mostly drop from bonus bosses. In many flashpoints, only the HM has the bonus boss. But even beyond that, it seems like they drop more often on HM than SM. No idea about full group or not, almost never run without one.

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From my experience, they mostly drop from bonus bosses. In many flashpoints, only the HM has the bonus boss. But even beyond that, it seems like they drop more often on HM than SM. No idea about full group or not, almost never run without one.


I was thinking more along the lines of the 55 SMs like False Emperor.

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Observation as I don't have specific drop rates....


They CAN drop on any mode, and you don't need to be in a group.


They SEEM to have a very high drop rate on HM Bonus boss, and much higher rate dropping off bonus boss in general (even SM).


As some FPs have neither a HM nor a bonus boss, they have abysmal drop rates.

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As some FPs have neither a HM nor a bonus boss, they have abysmal drop rates.


Tactical FPs with HM option like Czerka Lab and Meltdown (which random groupfinder loves) also have miserable drop rates. Nearly 3 weeks of running those regularly (HM and SM) now and have only seen 2 cores and no banners drop.


Combined with the miserable drop rate of relics in Tython/Korriban and the abundance of research data in Manaan, I'm getting to the point of being inclined to believe that BW is simply incapable of getting loot in tactical FPs right.

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Just a couple questions regarding décor in Flash Points.


1) Do they only drop on HM versions of the FP?

2) Do you have to be doing the FP with a full group for them to drop?


no to both.


I have been after imperial computer desks from malestrom prison so i did it on normal with my lvl 55 solo and i have gotten it 3 times.


so no you do not need to be in a full group and they do drop in normal.

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no to both.


I have been after imperial computer desks from malestrom prison so i did it on normal with my lvl 55 solo and i have gotten it 3 times.


so no you do not need to be in a full group and they do drop in normal.

Seconding this, got the Statue of the Emperor drop from SM False Emperor while soloing it, dropped of the last boss, did not drop from the bonus boss.


Can't speak to the rate on any particular FP, I was soloing a few different SMs, running each once so as not to get bored - I believe I ran three FPs total (Foundry, Battle of Ilum, and False Emperor) and that was the only deco to drop.

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