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8v8's Idea


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Idk about any other guilds, but 4v4's gets kinda old. So a few members from <Sledge> wanted to do an 8v8, but actually keep up with scores. They figured trying to double sync queue and see if we get it. We know there can be mix ups and stuff, but figured itd be fun to atleast give it a shot! Lemme know here or in game on ziiks or sneeky, and we can set it all up! There are a LOT of great teams on this server, so it'll make for interesting games!


P.s. props to that infamous/force skin team and the STI marauder premade that we played the other night, everyone in ts were yelling and stuff. Those were some of the funnest games we've had in a while!

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Hey ziiks its Zaen from Exiles. Exiles and force kin created a PvP community chat channel to coordinate queues of all the PvP guilds for rwz 's and premades. Type. /cjoin pvpelite


PS: I didn't know you were sneaky its always fun playing against you although frustrating at times haha

Edited by cjwestlake
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Hey ziiks its Zaen from Exiles. Exiles and force kin created a PvP community chat channel to coordinate queues of all the PvP guilds for rwz 's and premades. Type. /cjoin pvpelite


PS: I didn't know you were sneaky its always fun playing against you although frustrating at times haha


Hey! Lol yeah its my crappy operative ive been playing during this semester at college. Correct me if im wrong, you have a sentinel that plays watchman right? :D if so, man you know how to use him haha pretty scary going against ya!! :confused:

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Yep that's me, since 2.10 I'm playing combat and enjoying it immensely, it fits me like a glove.


Haha your operative is anything but crappy, you can turn the tide of battle single handedly, I bare the battle scares to prove it


The PvP community channel is new and I'm hoping that it will make queuing and teaming together much easier.


Hey Tach how's it going bud? At work right now, see you in game tonight.

Edited by cjwestlake
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