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How about Guild Rewards for reaching Guild Goal on 100%, #1 for highest Goal %?


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My few suggestions regarding current Conquest system.


First, Guild Rewards. Instead of Top 10 requirement for Guild Rewards, which atm basically cuts out small(er) guilds from getting them and pushes big guilds into burning-out grind/exploits/farming, each guild would have its own weekly Guild Goal of the same formula:

- # of active accounts x 35k points = 100%; achieving 100% grants Guild Rewards for characters that contributed their own 35k of Personal Goal (or 200% if the players/devs think 100% is too low)


#1 position/Conquering the Planet would be determined by the highest percentage achieved by a guild, for example:

- guild CourtneyFans with 180 active accounts grinded 657% of the weekly goal on Hutta leaderboard

- guild MuscoFans with 30 active accounts grinded 873% of the weekly goal on Hutta leaderboard thus is #1 and Counquers the planet


Obviously this kind of system would require some more though/tuning. Minimum number of active accounts (10/20 for example) would probably have to be introduced to prevent 1-man guilds from basically being able to obtain Guild Rewards. Exploit checks would have to be introduced as well, for example to prevent guilds from temprorarily removing non-contributing accounts right before Conquest event ends to bump up % completition of the weekly goal. Lastly, the mindless burning-out grind would not be removed completly (still present for #1 spot in my suggestion), but I think it would be much more fair, open to varying sizes of guilds and less exhausting for most guilds than the current system. Conquests are great, but need fixing.

Edited by Pietrastor
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If they kept the leader boards and maybe still top guild was still only one to conquer planet then I would have no problem. My guild (grivance has been on leader board each week) but when you see a guild hit a million conquest points in like 3-4 hours then that is insane.( probs most reasonable suggestion I have seen)
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This solution is not possible. Guild with single player can conquer entire planet since their contribution will be 100% and there is no reasonable prevention system that does not disqualify someone. Since there is no better solution then the current one, it is fair to believe that current system is the best.


There is no perfect solution, there are only solutions that satisfy only a part of the player base.

Edited by ELRunninW
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There is no perfect solution, there are only solutions that satisfy only a part of the player base.


Except for mine xD


The legacy/account (not toon, as that would discourage alts) in every guild with the highest point total contributed to the guild score will earn his/her guild a bonus amount of points, scaling off their total score. Example: if BW decided to set the 1st place legacy bonus at 200% (just an example), and a guild's top point earner earned 100k points across all his/her toons, the guild's score would receive an additional 200k points. The second highest contributing legacy would also produce bonus points for the guild, but it would be something like 190% of the legacy's score. 3rd place legacy produces 180% bonus and so forth. Each successive legacy down the total point list contributes to the guild's score a little less efficiently than the last.


This would not punish large guilds. A guild with 100 players/legacies earns the same point bonuses among their top-10-earning players as a guild with only 10 players. The larger guild's other 90 players still contribute to their guild's score- just not as efficiently. It is a diminishing returns on guild members mechanic. Larger guilds will still have a numerical advantage over smaller ones, but the gap would not be as much. Under this system, there is never incentive to kick any player from your guild, because they are still earning you points, but inviting randoms to your guild for point farming isn't as effective.

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Except for mine xD


Your suggestion would not make much of a difference. Guild with 100 active alts would still contribute significantly more than a guild with 10 active alts. You would use 10 accounts with bonus as a base, the rest would be the difference.

Also, I would not put a strain on the server to keep track of which legacy's score should be use this instant. Servers are overloaded as it is. Lets keep it simple, simple is good.

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Your suggestion would not make much of a difference. Guild with 100 active alts would still contribute significantly more than a guild with 10 active alts. You would use 10 accounts with bonus as a base, the rest would be the difference.

Also, I would not put a strain on the server to keep track of which legacy's score should be use this instant. Servers are overloaded as it is. Lets keep it simple, simple is good.


I didn't say 10 accounts would be base... I used 10 an example to demonstrate that the mechanic wouldn't discourage increasing your guild's size. Whether or not this mechanic would make much of a difference in helping relatively smaller guilds (I don't think a guild 10x as small as another should have a similar chance to win) would depend entirely on how large the 1st place bonus is, as well as the difference between the bonuses awarded to successive point earners.


Lol if the servers can't handle something that simple... GG.

Edited by JediMasterSLC
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This solution is not possible. Guild with single player can conquer entire planet since their contribution will be 100% and there is no reasonable prevention system that does not disqualify someone. Since there is no better solution then the current one, it is fair to believe that current system is the best.


There is no perfect solution, there are only solutions that satisfy only a part of the player base.


I said it in my OP that some kind of anti-exploit checks would have to implemented for a system like this precisely to prevent 1-man guilds from winning

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My few suggestions regarding current Conquest system.


First, Guild Rewards. Instead of Top 10 requirement for Guild Rewards, which atm basically cuts out small(er) guilds from getting them and pushes big guilds into burning-out grind/exploits/farming, each guild would have its own weekly Guild Goal of the same formula:

- # of active accounts x 35k points = 100%; achieving 100% grants Guild Rewards for characters that contributed their own 35k of Personal Goal (or 200% if the players/devs think 100% is too low)


#1 position/Conquering the Planet would be determined by the highest percentage achieved by a guild, for example:

- guild CourtneyFans with 180 active accounts grinded 657% of the weekly goal on Hutta leaderboard

- guild MuscoFans with 30 active accounts grinded 873% of the weekly goal on Hutta leaderboard thus is #1 and Counquers the planet


Obviously this kind of system would require some more though/tuning. Minimum number of active accounts (10/20 for example) would probably have to be introduced to prevent 1-man guilds from basically being able to obtain Guild Rewards. Exploit checks would have to be introduced as well, for example to prevent guilds from temprorarily removing non-contributing accounts right before Conquest event ends to bump up % completition of the weekly goal. Lastly, the mindless burning-out grind would not be removed completly (still present for #1 spot in my suggestion), but I think it would be much more fair, open to varying sizes of guilds and less exhausting for most guilds than the current system. Conquests are great, but need fixing.


or you could just merge with a big guild


Your "solution" is to punish big guilds and give unreasonable benefits to small 10 person guilds


Your "solution" is vastly more unfair then what you claim the current system is and here is what would happen if your "solution" was put into place


Massive guild currently getting #1 every week would trim its roster eliminating anyone who didnt acheive a certain number of conquest points each week. What would be left is a 50 person guild of hardcore extreme hardcore players who blast away any percentages your guild can achieve.


and after not placing in top 10 rankings under your new system you would be here writing up yet another "solution" which you feel would benefit your guild and bump you up to a top 10 position.


My guild is currently ina huge dog fight with the ranked 7-12 guilds and there is no guarentee we will be in the top 10 this week. Yet its a absolute blast fighting tooth and nail for that spot. My guild has 480 members yet you will never see more then 30 names a week. By your "solution" we would have to remove 450 characters so we could compete at same level we currently compete at.


End result is we disband 450 players who may or may not come back all because you and yours cant requit or compete for a top 10 spot currently.


I got to admit, I do not think 30 active members is a large or even medium sized guild. Yet we have been in top 10 every week through hard work and dedication.


This week I have 5 characters each with over 150k conquest points EACH. 2 I run through voss heroics, hm/sm flash point each day. 1 I do a sm flashpoint each day. Other 2 have never stepped foot out of my strong hold this week. All 5 are ALWAYS crafting this week.


Why can you and yours not do the same? 5 flashpoints a day (2 hm, 3 tactical) doesnt take up much time really

you dont need to be online to craft, just need to be aware of time each item takes so if you log for 12 hours you ensure each companion is busy for the full 12 hours)


Your suggestion OP is completely unreasonable and will never happen


If you want to be in top 10

join a bigger more active guild


play smarter


You do not need 100 members all exploiting what ever to be in the top 10

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